Some Details We Didn't Pay Attention to in Naruto.

Hello anime lovers and manga readers, another new week is upon us again, and it's time for us to share our experience in the anime world. Today, I would like to discuss some details we missed while watching Naruto.

I am a fan of the anime series "Naruto" and I would still be surprised to see people who have been watching anime for a very long time say "I haven't watched Naruto"

After watching Naruto in a long time, I decided to watch the series again and, I discovered how badly Naruto was treated even after knowing he has the nine-tale beast in him.

Let's start with the people of the Hidden leaf village.

Ok, I understand that they might be scared after experiencing the power of the nine-tales firsthand. A lot of people died during the attack but they all know Naruto wasn't the cause. He was the son of Lord Fourth, the one who saved their lives. Like, so why treat him so badly? I feel like they should worship Naruto more instead of the way they treated him, like come on, his dad and his mom sacrificed lives to save you lots and you still treat their son like that. I definitely would be angry from the spirit world if I were Minato.

Another thing is that they all know he has the nine-tale within him, didn't they think about the consequence of their action? Like what their action would do to his mental health. What if he becomes depressed and goes berserk, we have a perfect example. Look at Gara of the sand village, an excellent example of what can go wrong with a jinjuriki but they all decide to ignore that fact.

Let's talk about the Hokage the third.

Lord Third saw how badly Naruto was treated but he kept quiet. He was only concerned about the milk and ramen Naruto got from the tax people paid. He was given the task to care for Naruto but all he did was sit in his office and ignore all the horrific things his student (Orochimaru) did.

The students and teachers.

I understand that children can be ignorant and stupid at times, but they allow what their parents say to them to cloud their judgment. Most of them just decided to be cruel to Naruto because he was an orphan. Like the time Sakura makes fun of him to Sasuke saying "He is just an orphan" not knowing Sasuke was also an orphan.

I believe the teachers should have taught the children properly to respect each other and try to help Naruto make friends with them. We all saw Naruto's effort in making friends but they just turned their back on him. Thanks to people like Shikamaru, chocho, and Kiba who stood by him too.

I am glad Naruto turned out to be a great kid, whatever we do, let's be kind to one another, and let's teach our kids to be kind too. Thanks for reading.

All images are screenshots from the Naruto series.

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