Dr. STONE: Stone World (S1 E1) Review



Human extinction is one of the subjects that I like very much when it comes to movies and series. In my lifetime I have seen numerous depictions of human extinction and I cannot recall all of them now. In anime, I cannot remember how many I already watched, or maybe I haven't watched any.

I think most of the human extinction that I watched involved a high level of struggle. In Dr. Stone, the perceived act of human extinction seems to not include prolonged struggle but is undoubtedly somewhat disastrous, think of flying planes, moving vehicles, and gas stoves if they are left unattended it will be catastrophic.


On a normal day when Taiju is about to confess his love to Yuzuriha a weird green light suddenly appears from the horizon and in a matter of seconds it engulfs the whole world and petrifies everyone who comes into contact with it.

Taiju attempts to shield Yuzuriha from the green light. Source: screenshot from Dr. Stone anime

3700 years later

3700 years after the weird green light appears one of the characters named Senku breaks free of being petrified and embarks on a quest to reverse the petrification of all human beings. Six months later, Taiju also breaks free, and the two join forces together in seeking to reverse the certification of all human beings.

The idea of "3700 years" made me think about how the two protagonists Senku and Taiju were able to become human again because it was shown that the petrification completely turned a human into stone. Could it be because of the mystical effects of the petrification? I am so curious about it and I am very curious to see if it is going to be revealed in the next episodes.

Plot hole or part of the plot?

It was stated at the beginning of the episode that "every man, woman, and child on Earth instantly turned to stone". That statement makes me think that only humans were turned into stone. But there are also scenes where a dog is shown alive and well (did not turn into stone but the owner is) and then there's a bird that turned to stone. Plot hole or part of the plot?

It is only the first episode and I think it will be answered in the coming episodes why a dog did not turn into stone whereas numerous birds were turned into stone. Aside from the birds that were shown no other animals were shown that turned to stone (which makes me curious yet again).

A dog did not turn to stone... ... but a bird did.

Source: screenshot from Dr. Stone anime

Breaking free

As fast as the protagonists were turned to stone in the first episode it was also in the first episode when Senku was able to discover the cure for the petrification. A lot of questions pops out on my mind when it was revealed that the cure was discovered, which are "What's next?", and "How does Senku plan to de-petrify all humans?", "Is the cure going to be exploited?". All remains to be seen in the coming episodes.


This episode is interesting enough to make me watch the next episode because there are lots of questions to be answered. The style of animation is good. It seems to be a fast-paced series (I like fast-paced movies and series). The dialogue and dubbing are good except for the occasional screaming of one of the characters. But I am going to immediately watch the next episode after I click the "PUBLISH" button for this blog.

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional

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