Webcomic: Onmir the Oddity

Onmir the Oddity is an ongoing webcomic created by
Aguadepera, a webcomic artist from Chile. You can read the chapters on the official site Onmirtales

It's set in a virtual fantasy game where players are designated to the Onmir race that descended upon humanity to combat Demons, according the to the game's lore. Goroshky is an Onmir that slays other Onmirs within the game, also known as a PvP killer, he logs in one day and finds himself trapped in the game after missing the log out button and death within the game becomes permanent.

NOTE: This is an ongoing webcomic with 12 chapters at the time of this writing. So there's not much to go beyond introducing the setting.

The dark fantasy theme reminds me of the Dark Souls series with the protagonist feeling like Goblin Slayer without Goblin trauma. Goroshky gives off the overpowered but within reasonable bounds protagonist but much of his back story is still unexplored.

Like the art, this isekai story is dark and depressing because the focus of the conflicts include Onmir vs Demons, Onmir vs Humans previously known as NPCs, and Humans vs Demons. It's survival mode for players trying to make sense of the extraordinary situation they are in while everyone else is playing their role to the lore that demands bloodshed.

I like the art style, it's what made me pick up the comic rather than the plot. There are panels where it visually looks good. There's no need for intensive crosshatching like what you see in manga and sometimes pitch black colors are just enough. But this comic can have some dull fight scenes where it just feels static when characters are expected to be in motion. Some panels shows a monotonous spooked expression even when the dialogue doesn't seem to connect.

For now, the current story is still centered around world building as Emily (the Onmir healer on the image above) explores the world.

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