Anime Review: Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again

Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again was created by Kagiri Araido. It's one of those success stories where one shares their work and gain enough popularity from X and Pixiv to take off into a full blown animated series. It's a nice slice of life anime that's fun for all ages.

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Grandpa and Grandma discovered the apple tree that they saved years back bore a golden apple. Upon eating the fruit, they woke up in shock of turning young again and so begins their adventures as a young couple once again.

It's straightforward plot where you see the old couple experience youth faithful to the slice of life and wholesome genre without edgy themes.

It's anime that addresses heavy subjects like mortality without being edgy. The golden apple gave them an opportunity to be young in appearance and bodily functions but it didn't extend their predestined lifespan.

Since I didn't read the source material, my initial thought was seeing the couple turn young and do sorts of stupid shit young people do that old people wished they did when they were young. But instead we have a couple that still acts their age despite looking young and indulges in the privileges of youth without letting loose. Had this been some edgy shounen anime running the same concept, you'll probably see grandma and grandpa trying out risky stuff just to end every episode with a life changing lesson.

Once in a while, the show would drop some morbid themes such as confronting death and the concern for leaving loved ones. They turned young but their dream state would remind them that it's all borrowed time.

It's a show that have its protagonists complete their character development from the beginning. Grandpa and Grandma already have a set of belief system and years of experience that shaped their views about life from the beginning. The sources of character growth we see are more remarkable from supporting characters as the couple indulges with the younger members of their family.

Each episode is broken into small subplots which features the mundane adventures of Grandpa and Grandma while being young. The show gives a realistic portrayal about the inconveniences associated with old age such as chronic diseases and difficulty in performing simple chores.

If wholesome, slice of life anime is your thing, give this show a go. It's a break from all the edgy shows and fanservice we commonly see released per season.

Thanks for your time.

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