Farewell, November!

Well friends, November is on its way out, and that means it’s time to rotate the Thunderhorse back to rest. Tomorrow morning I will go look at the collection for a few seconds and make a split decision for my December FotM selection, but tonight I wanted to make a post in honor of November’s selection.


This flute was made by Douglas Thunderhorse, of Brown County, Illinois. His flutes can be purchased through the
Weed Patch Music Shop. I don’t work for them and I’m not paid by them in any way, but they were really nice over the phone and they emailed me pictures and descriptions of their entire flute collection.


The wood burning and binding wraps on this flute are gorgeous, very well done and artfully crafted, but what stands out for me about this flute is how crisp, sharp, and endlessly playable it is. Taking the Thunderhorse with me everywhere this month has been a blast, and the melodies it’s pulled from me have been something all their own.

Until next time, cheers to the Thunderhorse. Pilamayaye!

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