My Grandmother's Kimono Dressmaking Technique 祖母の洋裁・和裁の技術 [English and Japanese]


My Grandmother's Kimono Dressmaking Technique

My grandmother was very skilled at making Japanese traditional dresses called kimonos and Western styles of dresses, including knitting. I am always amazed by her techniques. She started making kimonos when she was very young. Now she is very old and staying in an old age home, so she doesn't make anything anymore.

When I cleaned her room with my mother two years ago, we needed to go through all of her kimono-making tools and many tools. She used to work for a wedding dress store at a big department store in the city. I was amazed by her work all the time. She could fix jeans and any kind of clothes.


This is my grandmother's kimono-making board. It was very heavy to carry around. She never tried to get rid of it because kimono-making was very important work for her. I needed to get rid of this board last time when I visited Japan with my mother. I took a picture of it before saying bye-bye to it. The board looked a bit sad. My mother told me her memory of my grandmother. My grandmother worked so hard using this board.


This is also a very important tool for making kimonos called 'kuke-dai.' Making a kimono is very interesting. It's a bit different from making a dress. I wish I could have watched my grandmother's work more. I liked watching her work because it was like magic. Her work was always very neat, accurate, smooth, and quick. Her work was always very professional.


These are her kimono and obi collections. We needed to declutter some of them because we had to get rid of her kimono chests last time. The kimono chest is very different from a typical chest called 'Kiri-tansu' (桐箪笥 paulownia chest of drawers). There are many small drawers for keeping kimonos and small items specifically for kimonos. Kiri-tansu is very heavy, and usually, these are sets of three or four chests. Yes, those chests are taking over the room. People used to call them 'Yomeiri-dougu' (嫁入り道具 trousseau). We don't bring these kiri-tansu anymore when we get married because people don't wear kimonos much except for special ceremonies.

It's a mix of melancholy feelings. Japanese traditional culture has been changing a lot. My grandmother's generation and my generation have a lot of differences even though just two generations are different. I am glad that I grew up witnessing my grandparents' life. I wish I could continue more of her traditional lifestyle, but I never forget what I learned from them.


I was amazed by my grandmother's dressmaking techniques as well. Beyond kimono-making, she could make any kind of dresses, suits, pants, bags, hats, and more. Everything that she made looked super professional. If I showed her a catalogue from magazines without any dressmaking patterns, she would just figure out how to make them by herself. As soon as she figured it out, she just made it. It looked like it came out of the magazine.

She also upgraded her knowledge of dressmaking techniques very quickly. As you know, our trends are always changing so quickly, she always updated her knowledge and adapted herself to new apparel trends. That's why she was always busy customizing people's old dresses into a new style. She reminds me of 'Edward Scissorhands' somehow.

When she was working for a wedding dress store which was at a famous department store, she was very busy fixing people's wedding dresses and suits. I was very proud of her because she was supporting happy couples constantly.


This sewing machine is very powerful. My mother is still keeping this sewing machine. You can sew jeans or any kind of hard products. My grandmother fixed some of my vintage jeans which were damaged too much for me and my brother. She listened to us very much and she never fixed the cool damages because sometimes we wanted to keep the damages for fashion, right? She fixed only the damages that needed to be fixed.

After fixing our vintage jeans, they looked even cooler than before. Her techniques gave old and new clothes a spotlight. DIY is not so easy for me, but I admired and enjoyed watching her work. My brother was pretty good at learning her techniques. My grandmother never lectured us. She just showed us how to do it. If we asked, she taught us gently.
Japanese 日本語



















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