Cleaning the Heat Pump and My Memories of Winter Preparations エアコンの清掃と冬の準備の思い出 [English and Japanese]


Cleaning the Heat Pump and My Memories of Winter Preparations

I was worried about the cleanliness of my heat pump because I missed scheduling a professional cleaning last spring before summer. I regularly cleaned the filters and surfaces myself, but I wanted to have it deep-cleaned by professionals.

However, I didn’t use the heat pump on the cool setting this summer at all. I only used it three times when the temperature exceeded 30 degrees. It was a very cool summer in this area. Since I live in the mountains, the temperature remains fairly stable. Ever since I installed the ceiling fan, I haven’t needed to use the heat pump or even the floor fan.

On the other hand, this autumn has already been quite chilly, so I needed to book the heat pump cleaner a bit earlier. Normally, it’s difficult to schedule with a technician during the busy season, and people in this area often have to wait a long time for an appointment. Fortunately, I was able to book the technician without having to wait a few weeks.

When the technician arrived, my dog got really excited to meet a stranger. The technician was very nice and efficient. He mentioned that my heat pump wasn’t too dirty, especially since I had kept the filters clean, and the dirty water only filled one bucket. I had expected it to be more than two buckets.

After the professional cleaning, I noticed the air power was stronger, and the air quality felt much fresher. I think I won’t need to set the heat pump as high this winter since I’ll be using the clean heat pump, the ceiling fan, and the wood stove.

To be honest, if I could switch to a newer, eco-friendly heat pump, my electric bills would be cheaper. However, I need to maintain this one a bit longer since a new one is quite pricey. I had to repair it last year, so I hope it won’t cause any issues for a while.

Even though I don’t enjoy preparing for winter, it makes me feel blue when I think about the cold, freezing months ahead. I can’t ignore it. I’ve already finished stacking the wood for the wood stove, cleaned and repaired the heat pump, gotten rid of old winter clothes and bought some new ones, cleaned up most of my summer garden except for a few herbs, and more. I guess I’m pretty ready for the coming winter.

I remember my grandfather was always quick and efficient at preparing for winter. Around this season, my grandmother would prepare pickled vegetables. I loved watching them and helping with winter preparations. I’ll never forget the smell of autumn during that time. The afternoon wind was always so chilly, and the colors of the fallen leaves were beautiful. I think I’ll write more about these winter preparation memories in my next post.

Japanese 日本語












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