
My First Microgreen Workshop / 初めてのマイクログリーンワークショップ

Microgreens Workshop

Last weekend, I held a microgreens workshop at the local market where I’ve been active for some time. This idea was selected in a state idea contest last year, and I thought autumn and winter would be the perfect seasons to host the workshop. Growing microgreens is not only fun during the shorter days of these seasons, but it's also a creative way to add flavor and nutrition to our meals.

I set up a table at a corner of the market, where about 35 people came by to sample the microgreens while I explained how to grow them and sprouts. Those interested could take home seeds to start their own. I also made a small guide to help them get started. It's in German, but I proudly share it here.

Guide Screenshot

Kids seemed to enjoy it too. One little girl, in particular, stood out. She tried almost all the varieties, even though some have a slightly peppery or bitter taste, which I thought kids might not like. But she loved them and happily took seeds home to grow her own 😊 I was so happy about the time with her.

Little girl trying microgreens

Here’s the view from my side of the stand. When there was a quiet moment, I read a book about smudging. Compared to the usual rush when I’m serving food at the market, it was nice to slow down, talk with visitors, and just enjoy the relaxed pace.

Workshop view

Microgreens and seeds

I’m planning to hold another workshop next month, and I’d like to improve it based on what I learned from this time. I also want to add some illustrations to the guide, making it look more like a zine.

Speaking of zines and seeds, I started imagining they could be fun souvenirs for next year’s Hive Fest and I can promote Hive Garden... just dreaming out loud here ;)

As the days get shorter and colder in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in northern regions like Germany where I live, why not try growing microgreens at home this autumn and winter? It’s a great way to bring a touch of color and freshness to your meals and daily life!

🌱 🌱 🌱




スクリーンショット 2024-10-23 20.00.33.png

子供たちにも喜んでもらえたと思います。一人、マイクログリーンをとても気に入った女の子がいて、小さい子にはちょっとピリッとした味や苦味が苦手かなというものも含め、ほぼ全種類を試食して、自分で育てる種をうれしそうに持って帰ってくれました 😊






あと、zineとタネのミックスができたら来年のHive Festのお土産にもなったりして・・・なんて妄想は尽きません。


My First Microgreen Workshop / 初めてのマイクログリーンワークショップ

This is a cross post of @akipponn/my-first-microgreen-workshop by @akipponn.


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