The current situation

Been awhile I haven't really write a blog, lemme quickly come back to you with some rant, some report of the current situation, and to tell you basically I'm still me. Nothing has change, except I spend more time in playing old retro games, rather than spending time make post. No I don't hate to write blog, I just don't feel like writing, so I make game video instead.


Anyway, just to update, since my last blog post about restoring my headlamp, the following week we're facing a nation lockdown. We all know the politicians is using the pandemic as an excuse to secure their position, which I'm not going to dive into that too much I'm view of the current situation. I don't wanna end up go to jail by saying something against the current government.


Today is supposed to be the end of the lockdown, but then it was announced to extend another 2 weeks. Despite it was expected, in view of the current infected cases on the rise. You just can't imagine such a small population country can have the number of infections that is so much larger than mainland China.


Does it really work? I have no idea. I have heard someone with an analogy of the current lockdown imposed by our smarty pants government . It's like a zoo keeper that has absolutely no idea how to keep things in check. A zebra ran out of the zoo compound, and the zoo keeper went and raise the barrier. Next day, the zebra is still outside, once again the zoo keeper seeing the raise doesn't help, he then raise the barrier even higher, in the hope that the zebra will be back in.


Guess what? The zebra is still out there. That's what the current situation is. It's lockdown, but the virus is out there. The country keeper is running around like a headless chicken shouting here and there, imposing more strict rules just to fill up their own pockets, which help absolutely nothing to the people, nor to the economy.

Pray for us if you have a God. If you don't, just close your eyes and wish me luck.

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