
My original creations, captured on an infinix device.

Among the most comfortable styles of writing that fills my horn completely is the italics way, so allow me to phrase the whole of this post in it. After all, am here to scribble down my sincere thoughts which in one way or the other might not exactly meet the 'threshold' of a good opinion but again we are entitled to one.

Second tiny point, am publishing this here on hive, why you ask and not any other community that might be having a promise on the post being curated? Remember the post is about how not to beg for upvote.

The main reason is, few days ago I saw some light for this community after reading they've won a 'continental' representative even thou this has not shown any sign of making the channel a big thing, am still optimistic something good will end up coming thus way.

How Not To.

Once again I beg to seek your attention, it's not that strong opinion but I feel it.

I wasn't old enough when there existed steem only and a pair of vloging sites, Dlive & Dtube so I managed not to get the best shot on voicing my concern on the populated question of:

I sit good to cross post a single vlog on dlive and dtube?

I missed the chance to vlog on the same back on the ages of the good old community which kept us together, steem, sad that now we are here but luck has it's own way.

Is it okay to cross post on hive & steem?

You pretty much understand how it feels deep in me now that I have an opportunity to talk on cross posting, the same chance I missed back then.

My post is supposed to fill in the gaps of how not to be for upvotes. So here we goes.

The good old days might be gone when an introduction post used to get $400 payout on a favorable 75%/25% curation sharing ration, it's way much lower now that we have the 50%/50% ration on the loose.

I know what's currently happening within this two chains and to be honest, too much work need to be done. Great to see several independent teams doing an uphill task in popularizing the chains and so great seeing what has come out of thus competition, healthy once I must admit.

Am CrossPosting

I surely don't command any good following and for such reason, this and my many other posts might not end up being highly curated or even noticed and if the two posts does, saw several cents from both chains summed up together might add up to a dollar or something worth to keep my writing skills and passion for the blockchain spirit alive. So, here is to the crossposting with high hopes that at least the posts might give me something worth to keep my internet subscription plan alive as we are far much ahead of 'let-your-passion-guide-you' and I feel like we are already into the 'earn-your-way' zone.

What do you have to say?

I believe you have a word to say or two, so feel free to throw in some shades on my take of things or even gives us your full take and the conversation will stay alive.

If it crosses your mind to add up on the curation efforts of this post, feel free to give it all even if it's your 100% - we need them bills paid- and you may as well voice your concern.

Remember to stay active in your interesting communities or even dare make the sleeping ones interesting like am trying to do.


(This post first saw the blockchain light on steem, edited)

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