My Best Lichess Chess Games ➡️ #37 (E92: King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Gligoric-Taimanov System)

♟︎ My Best (online) Chess Games ➡️ #37


Hey, everybody! I'm sharing with you another of my Best Games played online on This game has been selected using a series of criteria to consider it among the best games, to which I add my own subjective appreciation and comments. I hope you like it!

King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Gligoric-Taimanov System

I've played this type of game lots of times. It's always shown me how some people play the opening too mechanically, you know? Sometimes it's a good thing, because it reinforces the concepts you have of the position, but it's counterproductive when you ignore a theoretical detail. Here, black plays 7.... Nc6? which turns out to be a serious positional error. He does so because he thinks that this is the classical line, which is different because in that case the white king has already castled. But here, Nc6 provokes d5 and White has an early break on c5 via b4, Nd2 and c5. Black opted to block it with ...c5, but it also has its disadvantages because of the new break on b4, which I used very early with success.



[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2021.04.12"]
[White "josephchess90"]
[Black "mohammedadam"]
[Result "1-0"]
[UTCDate "2021.04.12"]
[UTCTime "03:36:27"]
[WhiteElo "2414"]
[BlackElo "2264"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "+8"]
[BlackRatingDiff "-3"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "180+2"]
[ECO "E92"]
[Opening "King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Gligoric-Taimanov System"]
[Termination "Normal"]

  1. d4 Nf6
  2. c4 g6
  3. Nc3 Bg7
  4. e4 d6
  5. Nf3 O-O
  6. Be2 e5
  7. Be3 Nc6
  8. d5 Ne7
  9. Nd2 c5
  10. a3 a6
  11. b4 b6
  12. Rb1 Nd7
  13. a4 f5
  14. f3 fxe4
  15. fxe4 cxb4
  16. Rxb4 Nc5
  17. Nb3 Bd7
  18. Nxc5 bxc5
  19. Rb3 Qa5
  20. Bd2 Bxa4
  21. Qa1 Rab8
  22. Rxb8 Rxb8
  23. Qxa4 Qb6
  24. O-O Qb2
  25. Be1 Bh6
  26. Qd7 Be3+
  27. Kh1 Qb7
  28. Qe6+ Kh8
  29. Rf7 Re8
  30. Qf6+

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