Chess: Blundered a queen, but I made a comeback, and managed to draw.


This is from a recent game on, I had black.
In this position I dropped the queen after 1.Nf6+, I chose this game for 1 reason
I kept fighting and managed to draw the game in the end.


This position occurred after a few more bad moves on my part, now you might question how I managed to actually get a draw from this position, I kept fighting!
The first battle I tried was to put some pressure on the g-pawn, but that wasn't effective then I went after the a-pawn, and won it. But he took my h-pawn, but then I got my rook to the 7th.


We are getting very close to a mistake by white, here I played Rg2+ he played Kf1
and I played the Rook to g3 attacking several pawns then the following sequence 1.Qh6 Rxc3 2.Qf6+ Ke8 3.h4?? Rf3+ and thus I got to a position where I am actually alive.


Here black is absolutely alive, even good chances for a win.
The rest of the game was not as interesting as this, We ended up drawing by repetition in the end, if you want to check out the full game, it is here

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