Chess: A nice little game, with a few annotations, rook to the seventh can be really crushing

So I had the white pieces in a game I played on lichess

1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 f5 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 d6 5. e3 g6 6. d4 e4 7. Nh3

This was my first interesting decision of the game. Normally I play Nge2 in such position almost automatically, but in this game I decided to be the more interesting Nh3

7.- Bg7 8. O-O O-O 9. Qb3 h6 10. Nf4

Here I had two threats, either I could play Ng6 and harass his position a bit, or the more damaging Ne6, giving me a pawn on e6 which I had kind of figured out I should be able to maintain.

10.- Kh7 11. d5 g5 12. Ne6 Bxe6 13. dxe6 b6 14. Nd5 Nxd5 15. cxd5 Qf6 16. Rb1 Na6 17. Bd2 Nc5 18. Qc2 Rac8 19. Bc3 Qe7 20. Bd4

This move I liked since if he exchanges bishop I will advance a pawn to a very nice position, and chase his knight away, and if the knight lands on d3 I can challenge the pawn that defends the knight

20.- Bxd4 21. exd4 Nd3 22. f3 c5 23. fxe4 Nb4 24. Qd2 Qf6 25. dxc5 bxc5 26. Rxf5 Qg7 27. Bh3 Rxf5 28. Bxf5+ Kh8 29. Qc3

This was also a move I liked a whole lot, it makes the queen exchange pretty bad for black, since that will open my rook and I think he will almost be dead when my rook lands on b7!

29.- Qxc3 30. bxc3 Nxa2 31. Rb7 Nxc3 32. e7 Kg8 33. Bxc8 { Black resigns. }

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