Chess: life lessons


Cover: Unplash

Since I can remember I play chess, the tranquility and peace that this game produces me make me prefer it over others: develop memory, survival instinct and bring out your "strategist" side that you did not know you had.

Over the years I have learned that if you stand up for what you believe you will achieve victory and that sometimes it is necessary to make sacrifices to achieve it.

I've learned that if you set your mind to it, you can become whoever you want, just like a pawn when you get to the last square.

And that although many situations will put you in "check" you will find a way to defend yourself. In the end, life is about that: overcoming adversity.

I also learned that although pieces, like people, have value what defines them is their power of attack, teamwork and the ability to overcome everything.

I learned that if the King is alone he can not win the battle, that's why he needs to surround himself with pieces that support him and fight alongside him, that's why you should surround yourself with people who bring you values and not those who take them away

I understood that when you have problems surrendering is not the solution, that you must defend your own, that intelligence is worth more than strength and that even if we do not all walk in the same direction we will always reach the same destination.

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