[ES/EN] 👊🏻My opponent 🔥leaves his ‍💥queen hanging


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Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me


Hola, chess lovers, hoy juego con blancas y me enfrento a "bumslapper", es una partida "blitz" de 3 minutos, que pude ganar gracias a que mi rival dejo colgada su dama.
Hello chess lovers, today I'm playing with white and I'm facing a "bumslapper", it's a 3-minute blitz game, which I was able to win thanks to my opponent leaving his queen hanging.


Mi caballo de "d4" está siendo presionado por 3 piezas enemigas (el caballo de "c6", el alfil de "c5" y la dama "f6"). Pero yo defiendo este caballo con 3 piezas también, esto equilibra la posición.
My knight on d4 is being pressured by 3 enemy pieces (knight on c6, bishop on c5 and queen on f6). But I defend this knight with 3 pieces as well, this balances the position.


Fuente / Source


Mi rival comete el error de avanzar su peón de "h7" hasta "h5", este me permite capturar ese peón con mi alfil de "f3" que está apoyado por mi dama de "d1".
My opponent makes the mistake of advancing his pawn from "h7" to "h5", which allows me to capture that pawn with my bishop from "f3" which is supported by my queen from "d1".


Fuente / Source


Mi alfil está ubicado en "g4", defendiendo a mi rey de 2 torres, una dama y un alfil. El peligro se acerca y parece que se producirá un intercambio de alfiles y la columna "f" se abrirá.
My bishop is positioned on "g4", defending my king from 2 rooks, a queen and a bishop. Danger is approaching and it seems that an exchange of bishops will occur and the "f" file will open.


Fuente / Source


Ubicar a su caballo en "h4" fue su error fatal porque dejó colgada a su dama en "f6", a merced de mi torre de "f1".
Placing his knight on "h4" was his fatal mistake because he left his queen hanging on "f6", at the mercy of my rook on "f1".


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Mira la partida aquí / Watch the game here"


Me puedes encontrar en lichess con el usuario "RicardoFox", hasta pronto y buenas partidas.
You can find me in lichess with the user "RicardoFox", see you soon and good games.

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