We continue climbing levels in Puzzle Training (Pre Hivechess training)

If there is something that is fun and can be done by any player, whether high or low level, it is to sit down and enjoy solving the Lichess puzzles. It is a routine that I have integrated into my daily life and I no longer sleep without first solving one or another puzzle.

And in response to that routine, here are some of the ones that have come up today. As always, you are invited to leave your answers below.


Some of these first puzzles that I came up with seemed excessively simple, if we pay enough attention to the pieces on the ground we should not have problems finding the solution


And here too, believe it or not, the knight jumps don't confuse me a bit. I think it's a simple exercise


I love pawn ending exercises, I think they are some of the most useful to learn, you can tell a lot about a player's strength by the way they solve these endgames, I think this one requires some patience to notice but I remember having this position more than once and not knowing how to capitalize on it


And we are going to more abstract problems as I like to call them, here we are going to have to apply ourselves to find the solution to many of these problems, with each new rating I gained the issue was getting more and more complicated


I didn't see it in the first move and I was penalized but the truth is that it is a logical sequence of moves and I hope that many in the comments can solve it, besides that it is quite nice to frame if we get it in some way game


I'm going to give this one to you because I find it very instructive, how to transform a disadvantage into an advantage and also a decisive one, a very good move that seems simple but that ends all the rival's aspirations, after h3! There is no escape and we will have an extra piece in exchange for nothing

and finally one of my favorites of this session, it is a completely destructive sequence of moves that leads white to resign in a couple of moves, impressive because according to the engine there was an advantage for the rival until he made the serious error that starts this sequence of moves

But that will be all at least for now for me! You know that the comments are below and don't forget to participate in the Hivechess this Friday!

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