An interesting Game/ suisver vs cositav[Eng-Spn]



My son @suisver and I start a game of chess, my son (white chips) in this game will be my rival, I, his mother (black chips), will face each other in this decisive game; I don't know what is going to be decided; but it will be decisive.

The rival begins (white pieces) by taking out a pawn, I immediately emulate him and place a pawn in front, later he moves the bishop and again I emulate the action and take out my bishop and place it in front, my rival's next move is something very daring because he moves his Queen and I strategically mobilize my Knight with an attack that my rival cannot imagine or I think he saw it coming, what I know is that I made him very nervous; since he realized; that removing the Queen from him was a serious mistake.


When I made a move with my knight, my rival took out a pawn and placed it right in the place where my knight had one of the moves, but what my rival doesn't know is that I'm not hungry for a pawn, I won't lose my knight for a pawn. , I want your queen. I make the move of a pawn and sacrifice it to distract him and in effect my rival takes over my pawn, after analyzing it a bit I take out my other Knight to put it in the ring, my rival moves a pawn to endanger my knight and of course I have You have to move the knight to defend it from the pawn's attack, making a crucial move as it places it next to the rival queen; However, I did not realize that my knight was not protected and my rival did not take advantage of the opportunity and without realizing his mistake he moved a pawn, perhaps he believed that I would take it, however my objective was not that.


I took advantage of my rival's movements and made a strategic move with the knight, seizing a pawn and putting the Queen in check and in effect I distracted my rival and he, in his desperation to save his Queen, put my King in check but my Caballo was just in the right place to defend his King and zaaaasss! I caught my rival's Queen.


Immediately my rival without thinking much moved one of his pawns, I on the other hand had my attack with the Knights and continued, so I made a move with one of my Knights always with the objective of being able to get to the top and perform my expected checkmate, my rival defended his Bishop from the movement of my Knight and retreated. I took advantage of that nervous movement and took out my Queen and placed her in a safe and threatening place;


nevertheless; My rival put my Queen in check with a bold movement of his Knight and when I saw the imminent danger, I immediately reacted and moved my Queen very close to the rival Knight, putting the enemy King in check, protected by my bishop, my rival took it from him the check to the King.

At this moment I thought of my great strategy:

"Place my Queen in a strategic place and thus trap the Rook that was preventing me from doing checkmate"


My rival put my queen in check with her knight and I did what I had to do:

"I trapped the Rook and checked the King again."

My opponent removed the check, I moved my Rook to make my final move, my opponent acted as planned by moving his Knight and I took advantage of it, I raised the Rook, I placed it next to the King with my Queen and a Bishop and thus I achieved the planned


Video taken during the game
Screenshots taken from the Game with my Honor X6 cell phone
Video Taken from the Game edited in CapCut.
Thumbnail edited in CapCut
Music by Shakib Hasan from Pixabay
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo




Mi hijo @suisver y yo comenzamos una partida de ajedrez, mi hijo(fichas blancas) en este juego será mi rival, yo su madre(fichas negras), me enfrentaré en este juego decisivo; no se qué se va a decidir; pero será decisivo.

Comienza el rival(fichas blancas) sacando un peón, inmediatamente lo emulo y le coloco un peón al frente, posteriormente mueve el alfil y otra vez emulo la acción y saco mi alfil y se lo coloco al frente, el siguiente movimiento de mi rival es algo muy osado porque mueve su Reina y yo estratégicamente movilizo a mi Caballo con un ataque que mi rival no se imagina o creo que si lo vio venir, lo que sé, es que lo puse muy nervioso; ya que se dio cuenta; que sacar su Reina fue un grave error.


Al hacer un movimiento de mi caballo mi rival sacó un peón y lo colocó justo en el lugar donde mi caballo tenia uno de los movimientos, pero lo que no sabe mi rival es que no tengo hambre de peón, no perderé mi caballo por un peón, quiero su reina. Hago el movimiento de un peón y lo sacrifico para distraerlo y efecto mi rival se apodera de mi peón, después de analizarlo un poco, saco mi otro Caballo para ponerlo al ruedo, mi rival mueve un peón para poner en peligro mi caballo y por supuesto tengo que mover el caballo para defenderlo del ataque del peón, haciendo un movimiento crucial ya que lo coloque al lado de la reina rival; sin embargo, no me di cuenta que mi caballo no estaba protegido y mi rival no aprovechó la oportunidad y sin darse cuenta de su error movió un peón, tal vez creía que me apoderaría de él; sin embargo, mi objetivo no era ese.


Aproveché los movimientos de mi rival e hice un movimiento estratégico con el Caballo apoderándome de un peón y poniendo en jaque a la Reina y en efecto distraje a mi rival y él en su desespero por salvar a su Reina puso en jaque a mi Rey pero mi Caballo estaba justo en el lugar adecuado para defender a su Rey y ¡zaaaasss! atrapé a la Reina de mi rival.


Inmediatamente mi rival sin pensarlo mucho movió uno de sus peones, yo al contrario tenía mi ataque con los Caballos y continué, así que hice un movimiento de unos de mis Caballos siempre con el objetivo de poder llegar arriba y realizar mi esperado jaque mate, mi rival defendió su Alfil del movimiento de mi Caballo y retrocedió. Aproveché ese movimiento nervioso y saqué a mi Reina y la coloqué en un sitio seguro y amenazante;


no obstante; mi rival puso en jaque a mi Reina con un audaz movimiento de su Caballo y yo al ver el peligro inminente, inmediatamente reaccioné y moví mi Reina muy cerca del Caballo rival haciéndole #jaque al Rey enemigo, protegida por mi alfil , mi rival le quitó el jaque al Rey.

En este momento pensé mi gran estrategia :

"Colocar a mi Reina en un sitio estratégico y así atrapar a la Torre que me impedía hacer jaque mate"


Mi rival puso en jaque a mi reina con su caballo y yo hice lo que tenía que hacer :

"Atrapé a la Torre y puse en jaque al Rey nuevamente."

Mi rival se quitó el jaque, moví mi Torre para hacer mi jugada final, mi rival actuó de la manera prevista moviendo su Caballo y aproveché subí la Torre la coloqué al lado del Rey con mi Reina y un Alfil y así logré el planificado
Jaque Mate

Video tomado durante la partida
Capturas de pantalla tomadas del juego por mi celular Honor X6
Vídeo extraído del juego editado en CapCut.
Miniatura editada en CapCut.
Music by Shakib Hasan from Pixabay
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo

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