Mis-clicks mean a lot in online chess

Playing Chess is easy, the hard part is to win and to rise your ELO level.

That's the hard part.

I used to think I would never cross the 1000 barrier on rapid, in fact I stayed there a long, long time. I even thought of quitting.

But the more you learn, the more you realize Chess is beautiful and it has layers upon layers. I don't think I enjoy chess as much as a 2000 does, and that person has no idea how fun chess can be a for a 2500.

My personal goal is to just learn to enjoy Chess without having my utter focus in growing my level, which is why the momento I reached 1500 I completely quit Chess with that mindset.

Now I just try to enjoy it, learn more, and slowly become better.

In this video I go from 1430 to 1414, which sucks, but I actually managed to enjoy parts of this. I didn't enjoy it all because for me, winning is the best way to enjoy things. I don't play anything if I don't intend to win, but I no longer get angry or mad if I lose, at least when it comes to chess.

I hope you enjoy this video!

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