KoiChoco - 50-52 Hour Mark Impressions (Spoilers)

Hey y'all. Welcome back to my impressions of KoiChoco. I have finally reached a good point to talk about some of the Mifuyu route. Let's jam!!!

Check Out Previous Sessions

Here are the rules for my play so you know what to expect from this portion:

  1. If I didn't talk about it much in previous routes, I will only reference it here when needed
  2. This route doesn't rely on much from other routes, so I'll be treating it as such
  3. I'm only showing off screenshots from the 2-4 hour mark of this play session; most of what happened in the first 2 hours, I'm not discussing or touching (to avoid majorly spoiling things)
  4. These rules may apply to other routes

General Thoughts

This is such a hard route to talk about compared to most of the others so far due to how close Mifuyu, Chisato and Yuuki all were. They were all mutual best friends with each other; Yuuki was constantly proposing to Mifuyu with Chisato whisking her away in a comedy skit unique to that friendship. In this route, two major differences have come up so far: Isara and Chisato immediately became much closer and Yuuki and Mifuyu both showed more of their true dynamic in the Common route. It was alluded to with Hazuki (the teacher) that Yuuki semi-frequently would lie to Chisato about who he spent his time with, but this route was the one that directly pointed out how toxic that relationship truly could be. Yuuki visiting Mifuyu as she was sick at home in bed was such a sweet start to the route, though. Satsuki Shinonome (Hazuki's younger sister) will share quite a bit with this when I get to it, so I may treat it like the Chisato route where I just rush through what I can and do a final several hour session.

Mifuyu's Scar

Context: Yuuki walked in on Mifuyu changing in the clubroom. The only other time a similar event happened was when he walked in on Michiru at the very start of the game except the latter's panties weren't as cute. These were laced and the scar was well drawn yet not distracting. The Anime seemed to downplay her hatred of it and may have created an Anime original scene for it.

In this route, there was no Kimodameshi (Test of Courage) event in the same form as the others. Instead, there was a lottery in which Non-chan's machine would decide who would travel the halls late at night and be spooked by the environment instead of a monster. This was where Chisato became suspicious of Yuuki's intentions with Mifuyu after he responded a different way about her surgical scar that she's barely told Chisato much about. This type of scene would typically be played for laughs, but here, it was a bit unnerving in context.

Yuuki's the first person to tell Mifuyu that her scar was beautiful and allowed them to meet. Was such a touching scene, and the kiss here shocked me but felt warranted and welcomed. In other routes, it was typically Chisato that he met here, but seeing a different girl was a nice change of pace. It also made sense why these two would meet here like so.

ASP Reporter Is Now Best Girl

Initially, this character was meant to be somewhat antagonistic but with each new route, they have grown on me quite a bit. I love how they met up somewhat in secret here and had a discussion about Yuuki's numbers and whatnot. The other routes didn't show this much but these two have obviously become friends; in a more realistic work, I could truly see them at least working together in the Student Council but not as lovers. That would be a major scandal and with the rest of the Shokken, Yuuki would probably die if that happened.

Drinks Are On The House

I'm not 100% sure if this was legitimately a product placement or not. Sprite is a Coca-Cola product but it's also the name of the Doujin circle turned corporate entity that made this game. If there were legal consequences for the name, I could see the developer just saying it was self-insertion more than anything else. I got a good chuckle nonetheless.

I read this in Sean Connery's voice. "Shaken, not stirred." Non-chan is really such a meme lord and almost every scene she's in was perfect comedy gold. Her serious expression and tone here sold her determination to have that coffee. Isara's expression made it even funnier.

Now About Those Two Sex Scenes

Just like the other routes, I'll briefly talk about the acts themselves here but won't share the fully intimate details or any screenshots. This is not an NSFW community afterall. Both happened much earlier than they did in the other routes but felt drastically different to me.

The first one occurred around the 2.5 hour mark and was completely unexpected. It was also personally the best handled one out of the entire lot. There were no jokes, it didn't have some yikesy undertones if you read too far into how it happened, and it was just as caring and compassionate as Chisato's except not as directly awkward. Of course, he would take care of her feelings and show her respect; they have history after all.

And then came the shame afterwards as she realized how much Chisato would hate her for allowing this to happen. It happened in her bed at her house with her mother coming home soon. She also became afraid of what her parents would think, especially since they knew Yuuki as one of her closest friends. It wasn't made clear in the few scenes with her mother, but I can only imagine how shocked she would have been if Yuuki had stayed over and she had found him in her daughter's bed.

Fast forward to around the 3.5 hour mark and now both Yuuki and Mifuyu were at odds about what they wanted from each other. He wanted her as his girlfriend but she wanted to just go back to how things were. She didn't love Chisato in a romantic way but their friendship was one of her most precious possessions. The second sex scene followed immediately after this dialogue (and was where the thumbnail for this post came from) but, in hindsight, was a bit uncomfortable for me. It was angry, sad and somewhat forced by him because she wanted this to be their final moment. She didn't stop it but this still went into a dicey area. If Chisato had walked in on them, I would have laughed, though. A definite missed opportunity to break up the drama with one of the game's normal sight gags.

Non-Chan Is Back to Best Girl

Of course, after the sex and Mifuyu left Yuuki, Non-chan would be the one to find him passed out and wake him up in such a way. I'm scared to know what this invention will be (knowing how her candy mixer was basically a gigantic sex toy that spewed out gross blue goop) since this is where the session ended. In my next session, I'll let you guys figure out what happened afterwards because that's how these posts have been working out so far.

Further Thoughts

I enjoyed the fact that Yuuki couldn't fully tell Mifuyu about Chisato's mental illness (severe PTSD from her brother's death) and how Mifuyu couldn't fully tell Chisato about how her scar affected her. Keeping secrets like this from your close friends is something that must be done to keep relationships from falling apart but in this case, if all three would just sit down and discuss what's going on, I think this route could end pretty well. If they don't, I could see Chisato forever hating both of them for their "betrayal" and Yuuki moving from one traumatic, toxic relationship to another. I'm not sure where this route will end but I'm already seeing how heavy this one could get, especially with how selfish and childish both lovers were being.

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts here, and I'll be continuing to post in the future as I go. What were your thoughts? Are you also playing this? Leave your comments below, vote and reblog. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful night.

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