Forgive me

Once upon a time I was graced with a gift. I was chosen as the angel of mysteries, entrusted by none other than he who wears the crown. I lost count of the suns and moons that passed as I stood guard by the royal throne. Ever silent, always vigilant as I recorded everything I heard discussed. I held the answers. One day, the sky was broken. Something changed. Our world descended into chaos and mayhem followed.

My recollection of the events have been defiled. My memory is fragmented.

I have disgraced my role, yet my duty as the keeper of secrets remain.

Please forgive me. I need time to reconstitute my understanding of that which I once observed. I must coalesce my fragmented memories before I am able to aid you in your journey and provide guidance as you seek the light.

Semper penser hors limites.

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