Bonding Time With My Cousins: Another Memories to Unlock!🫶🏻

Hello hivers, it’s me again, @memwuai, and another hello, another blog, and another blog, another lesson to learn that you can apply to your everyday life.☺️

So today, I would like to share some of my life stories that made my day when we visited my kuya runill with his one and only son, and after that, my cousins decided to go to the plaza to eat some isaw and have some bonding together.

The first thing that we did was visit my brother in the cemetery, and we brought his son and also Zyanya because his son will cry if there is no one to play with him.

His son, rk, has the same face as him, and I felt pity for my nephew, rk, because he will be growing up without his father and without seeing in person and only seeing pictures from albums and social media. But thats life; people come and go, and even though it hurts, we really should need to accept it.

Zyanya and rk are cousins because their fathers are brothers, and they are my nephews because their father and I are siblings.

While my mother is praying, I will be the one who will watch the two. So while my mother is praying, Zyanya and Rk are playing yuta, or what may be called sand or soil, and my mother said to scold them because it is dirty, but I just stare at them and let them play the soil because it is part of their childhood memories hehe😄.

And after how many hours it is time to go home because it is very hot at that time.

6:30 in the evening🕞
My cousins and the mother of Zyanya plan to go to Naga to eat dinner there and buy some isaw and any street food that is available in the stall.So when we arrived there, we bought food and ate together.

After eating, we go to one of the tourist spots here in the City of Naga, which is Pasilong sa Naga, and Zyanya asks me to take a picture of her, and I say a big yes.

Zyanya is a naughty girl and a joker girl sometimes. That is why when I took a picture of her, this posing will never be miss🤦🏻‍♀️
880DC07C-092D-4E32-9BA4-49A24B0FA499.jpeg She looks like a monkey there because of her big eyes HAHAHA lol🐒

Me and Zyanya took a selfie together because she is my mini me, and every pose that I do, she always follows🥰

Even though sometimes I get mad at her, she always knows how much Tata loves her so much! Her infectious laughter and playful spirit brighten my days, and our bond grows stronger with each passing moment. She understands that my occasional frustrations come from a place of love and concern. We share countless memories, from bedtime stories to fun outings, creating a treasure trove of unforgettable moments. Her unwavering love and trust in me remind me of the incredible connection we share, making every challenge worth it.🥰

We also took a chance to take a picture of my cousins because we rarely do this because some of my cousins have work and some of my cousins, including me, have classes because we are students.
Having them as my cousins is very fun, as they spill some tea, or what we called chika, and laughter that is very genuine. Also, I am thankful that they are my cousins because every time I have some contest to join, they always watch to show support🤍. Whether it's a school competition, a sports event, or any other activity, their presence boosts my confidence and makes the experience more enjoyable. We share countless memories, from family gatherings to spontaneous adventures, making our bond truly special and irreplaceable.

After taking some pictures, it is time to go home because it is almost 9:00 in the evening and their babies are about to cry, but before we go to the Jeep stop, we go to DIY because they have something to buy.
655714D5-A60B-4095-9288-16F176F52DBD.jpegAnd after buying what they wanted to buy, they went to the cashier to pay, and after that, it was time to go home.

So that's it for now, hivers. Remember to give some time to your cousins or any people who are close to your heart because these relationships are priceless and irreplaceable. Spending time with loved ones strengthens bonds, creates lasting memories, and brings immense joy. It’s in these moments of togetherness that we find comfort, support, and genuine happiness. Life is short, and cherishing the people who matter most ensures that we never take them for granted. Whether it’s a simple chat, a shared meal, or an adventure together, these experiences enrich our lives and remind us of the importance of love and connection.🫶🏻
Until next time hivers,don’t forget to support this blog by upvoting and reblogging it.
Thankyou and lovelots!!💋☺️

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