JOURNEY: Story Behind Being Introvert

We all are well familiar with the fact that our childhood had a powerful impact on our lives, and we develop our nature. Confidence issues are not always genetic they sometimes depend on circumstances too because we observe that siblings have opposite natures.

Being an introvert and rarely getting to interact with people, there must be a story behind every issue. Nothing happened itself every reaction had some action behind it.

So let me take you to the world of the story, which will tell you what makes me the one I Am Today

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It was the year 1990 when our family business broke and my grandfather couldn't bear the trauma, he got very sick. All the responsibilities of the household came onto my father's shoulders suddenly. Taking care of a family of seven siblings and one old mother and sick father too was never simple.

There is a saying that God always made a solution first and then a problem so how was it possible that he didn't give any solution?

My father got an offer from a company to get a job in Saudi Arabia with a triple salary which he was already taking. It was just like a God himself put his hand on his head. So my father seeks that opportunity.

When it was already two years, my father asked his younger brother to come along with him to do the job because he already realized he was not able to help his family alone, especially when the sisters were meeting the ages of their marriage.

So my uncle went there too. Things were going outstanding. Life got back on track when my father got married to her cousin and then after a year cute doll was born which was no one else but me.

But nobody was familiar with the fact that how much the presence of the father is compulsory in girl child life. Because of no men in our house, my grandma never allowed me to go out of the house to play. I was always busy playing with my doll in my home.

My school van picked me up from the gate of our house and I was never allowed to visit my friend's home. Every single day brought tears to my eyes because the father of all my friends came to school to pick them up despite of fact that my father was available too because he was always on mobile and never came to pick me up from school.

But this was not enough maybe, and news of my grandfather's death came up. I was not mature enough to understand the fact that how much the hand of man is important in a house but my grandfather's death made me realize this.

I visualize my grandmother walking all around the house the whole night so that no one could come into our house.

I visualize how every person who did our task starts to take double the money from us than he takes from others just because he knows they rarely go out of the house and check prices themselves.

And then the worst thing happened when someone tried to do a robbery in our house. Thank god that my grandma saw them and made the noise to make them run.

But that day was the last day of our on that city we shifted to a new city with new people, just because here we had a man in our house. My uncle my father's second younger brother lives in a separate city, we came to them and started living near him.

That moment makes me realize the value of man in our life. But remaining all alone and fearing having no one beside me makes me a weak and introverted person.

But thank god now things are not the same as were before because my father has returned from Saudi Arabia and now he lives with us. Now I am confident enough to go to every place by knowing the fact that he is always there like a backbone and never let anything cause harm to me.

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