V for Victory and View- BOLDLY sneaking into the apt inspection in the apt next door just to capture the view!

So with a HUGE thanks to @lilideleopolis for inviting me here, I say hello to you all and hope that you are all diving into a new year full of amazing adventures, fantastic health, and an abundance of love, peace, harmony, prosperity and happiness!

So I would like to share with you a brief story about Victory and Views for my first post here and if you would like to share a life story- or a lifetimes worth of #LifeStories here then click on this link to find out how created/hive-156687

In my heart, I really want to share with you a story about my mum, as it would have been here 81st birthday today and we lost her to Stage 4 bowel cancer 4 years ago instead and I would love that to be a story of Victory, but it wasn't and it's a long and complicated story, one of which I will tell one day when I can put the words together, so instead, I will say Vale to my beautiful Mum Lola and instead take you on another story of a short and sweet adventure and the victory to go with it.

This was Mum in the dress that she handmade for her 21st birthday in 1962 AND I still have this dress 60 years to this day later.


Anyway, my short and sweet Victorious adventure started a few weeks ago when I saw the neighbours moving out and as much as I wanted to check out their apt, it just slipped my mind and time flew by without a second thought about it.

Then after a boiling hot, sweaty and stinky day out in the sun capturing landscapes, rivers, Villages for @tattoodjay wonderful #WednesdayWalk community yesterday here @chocolatescorpi/a-wonderful-wednesday-walk-in-warm-warrandyte-steels-creek-and-kangaroo-ground (which is also in part a story about historical Villages) I came home to see a bunch of random people getting off the lift next to me and walking ahead of me past my apt and since there is only 2 other doors past my door...

And I thought this is quite weird and strange and I wonder what they are doing, as these apt complexes are quite safe (but not completely secure..) and so if you see a stranger, that is usually not a good thing.

Anyway so I get to my front door and notice a stream of people walk out of my next door neighbours apt door as the other people were going in and then I realised, it was inspection time for the newly vacated apt!

So I raced into my apt, dumped my backpack, tripod and camera gear and sat for a moment, wondering what to do (like I said, I was hot, stinky and sweaty and these guys were all nice and fresh and clean- I think..🀣.)

And then I thought stuff it, grabbed my iphone and boldly went where the others did, and held up my iphone like they were.

Except I went straight out onto the balcony, opened up the camera and shot these photos of this amazing View that I have been dying to see since I moved in here a year ago!

And so this is the view from the 28th floor (and there's 36 floors here- which is now a short skyscraper compared to all the new ones around me at 100+ floors...😬😬😬😬😬😬..)

And the river in the centre is the famous Yarra River, the main artery flowing through the heart of Melbourne


Looking west-north west over the roof tops of the Crown Casino and the MCEC- Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre and docklands and the shipping docks in the distance too.


And this is looking towards the centre of the CBD, where you can just see the old red brick building of Flinders St Station slightly right of centre in between the 2 silver skyscrapers way back there in the far distance.


And so if I also live on the 28th floor and this is my next door neighbours apt, what wrong with my View I hear you ask.

Well nothing really. Nothing at all (except I face the east- the dreaded morning sun (I'm a BIG nightowl.🀣..) and as you can see, I look directly out onto other skyscrapers so close...and these were taken on the 2nd Oct last year from my balcony.

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(the redbrick of the historical Flinders St station through the centre there...)


And I think you can see why I really wouldn't want to be any higher than I am now, especially in the one with the yellow star on top as that's 108 stories high.

Infact, I really don't even want to be this high, as when the fire alarms go off and we have to evacuate, I have to walk down 28 flights of stairs! (so lucky I don't have to walk up them though..😱...🀣..)


But atleast I do have a roof over my head as there are far, far too many people out there that don't, so I give thanks that I am so damn lucky!

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed my little story about Victory and Views and please don't hesitate to join me to have a virtual #WednesdayWalk through some of Victoria's most diverse and intriguing countryside and villages too!

And please feel free to share your walks in your areas every Wednesday in this fun and adventurous community too! created/hive-155530

Thank you so much for reading my post , I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts and remember, whatever your situation, whatever you illness, be proactive in your treatment, do your own research and get more than 1 or 2 opinions so you can be Victorious and change your life around!

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop And here https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one...@ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-65

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@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're all such damn cool cats...😁

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