The framework of your head

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I don't know about you, but it is always easier to attract attention when instead of some lovely flowers you put a skull in your work...only cats and young animals in general are even more popular.

Skulls have been for ages the symbol of a large number of subcultures and only recently became widespread all over the place. But nowadays it needs more than a skull to make you outstanding.
Could it be that our fear of death attracts us to this visualization and that way we exorcise the anxiety? Skulls might be popular as decoration because they are one of the few socially acceptable ways to adress death.

Whatever the reason, I know some bone covered crypts and especially one of them where it is written into the floor:
"What you are, We once were, What we are, You will be."

Now relax and listen to your eyes -
"Easy listening"
art & motion whornung

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The head is what matters. The rest of the body plays the part of antennae making life possible for people and life itself is inside the skull.
Alberto Giacometti

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