Meeting by chance...

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I remember an interview when the journalist asked me:

Recently you wrote about the degree in which accidental and chance elements are an important facet of your work. Do you consider this to be a crucial property of digital and computer generated art in general?

wh: It is the same kind of randomness you might encounter while traveling to unknown places or meeting new people.
If you don't like the place you won't go back there. In general, randomness plays an important part in anybody's artistic work no matter how the work is generated. Some people may be more open-minded concerning the acceptance of randomness in their work than others.
This lack of predictability has something of a surprise party, not knowing what kind of people you will meet there...this action seems more interesting to me than going out and looking for someone in peculiar...and coming back home without having met the person. The same goes for an artwork. In the beginning it only exists in your mind with its shapes and colors...but the finished work only rarely comes out as intented, because randomness did it's work again.

"The masked ball"
original art & motion by whornung 2020

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Working in a magnetic field allows you to go faster and further, almost at the speed of your mind, and even more importantly you can go back if you didn't like the randomness that you met on your way.
In my way of thinking to go from one point to the next the most direct way isn't a straight line, but a dream.


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The better you look the more you see

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