The Spider of Rainite

Yo, friends!

I am literally besides myself at the moment with happiness XD And it's cuz @rainite made an awesome character and I just... I just, kinda like, fell into a puddle of goo because it's so aMAaazinngg <3

Reblogged the post just above this one, but here it is anyway, if you haven't seen it:

So, @rainite wrote the original story, DESIGNED the character from scratch and then he BUILT the 3D model all by himself with his dying computer and I just.... like, it was like... not gonna lie, but it was literally like xmas morning and i got to unwrap the best xmas pressie and it was a gift that kept on giving XD

The story was super cool, and the character was designed SO INCREDIBLY WELL and of course, I loved the 3D model to the tiniest details, aaaaaaaaaah~ What a great feeling * ___ * @rainite is super talented, and I just ... aaah, i dont have words for how much awesome the day had been yesterday when he delivered The Spider into muh feed~ * ___ *



ok, anyway, i dont have words but i wanna somehow show appreciation and love for this character that @rainite made so I .... made art.

(and no one ever was surprised! RIGHT??? XD)

Anyway, here is the video of me drawing The Spider so you can see my process :>

Drew her in Krita with my favourite brush, the Tilted Pencil :D The video was fast tracked of course, I don't draw at that speed :3

I love that mouth on her mask so much, and the design of the hooded cape is amazing and I love the colour scheme also :D If you haven't seen the 3D model, here it is~

@Rainite is working on two more of these original characters in the near future, so I totally recommend you to follow his blog if you haven't, cuz there's more awesomeness that will be unveiled !!! \o/

Okay, I think I'm done gushing for now XD ... Aaah, man, I just love making friends online and supporting each other~ Friendships and memories, and to be able to motivate, socialize, help each other in times of need, appreciate each other's talents, and wisdom, and humour, and just ... to get to know people from all over the world... The internet can be really magical, sometimes :D And sometimes I sit back and reflect how lucky I have been, to have run into such good friends during my time here... ^ ___ ^

Thank you, again @Rainite! You really did make my day yesterday! \o/

As for my art, here's the finished piccar :D

See you next time, friends o/

Copyright (c) 2020 veryspider.
No reusing elsewheres unless you got my okay to do so in writing!

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