First Day on Hive Blog

Hi! its my first time in here!

My streamer friend @dogan4rt suggested me to join Owo, I looked a bit and it seemed like a enjoyable place.
My first time introduction wasnt that detailed and @lovesniper - @fionasfavourites made a comment about it. Then I decided to make a honest introduction.

Hmmm... so.. I'll talk about myself;

Hi my name is Bengisu but I use nickname as ''Vacnuo'' I'll tell you the story of it.

When I was still a child ''11-12 year old'' I wanted to play mmorpgs so I wanted a special name just for me, then we searched for the names on google with my brother. And we tried mixing different words. And we made this special name just for me. I like how it sounds when people say it. I mean its like duck saying Vak! Vaknuo 😀 so since then I m using this name on my every social media and games. The first mmorpg I played was Eden Eternal. I still talk to my firend I made in that game. It been 7-8 year I think and we still talk to each other. I really like ducks but before ducks become my best animals, I liked horses.

I started making drawings while I was 5-6 year old. And I think, my first drawings were about horses. The reason I liked horses may be because of the animation I watched named ‘’ Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron’’ . I liked this animation because seeing the horses life changing with the time and seeing it grow impressed me. It really gives the feeling of being free. And I still remember him liking the apples and eating them happly. Maybe I should watch it again.

Also as a child I liked watching Winx Club. I know she was sassy but I liked Stella among other characters. I dont know why but she seemed more sincere to me. I still keep the fanarts I made about them. I’ll show u one of them - (I was 9-10 year old back then)


I wanted to go to the art school but my parents told me you cant make money as an artist. Be a doctor and do art as a hobby. And also that year my parents divorced. Even now (Im 20 year old) it still efffects me. Umm... They were fighting since I was a child so I understand why they divorced but I think it wasnt a right time doing it. I mean, I was gonna take an High School Entrance Exam.

Then I went to normal high school. I wasnt succesful, my grades were really bad (except art and english). My only joy was playing table tennis on breaks. Also my english teacher were telling me to go to an universty about english and she was really supporting me. If you ask me how did my english get better, its because of the mmorpg games I played and because of her support. All the people were talking in english on the games I played so I had no choice but to learn it (I know that my english isnt that good). Even though I was there I didnt stop drawing and my art teacher was aware of my talent. Well, even when i was in middle school my art teacher were aware of it and telling me to go art school. I’ve attended to art competitions among highschools and I’ve been first on one of them. I stopped playing mmorpgs in highschool, because they were taking a lot of time and when I didnt play it even one day I would be feeling bad. I mean I was like addicted. Im happy that I stopped playing them.

In the second year of highschool my brother bought a graphic tablet for me. Im still using it while drawing 😊. And my digital art journey began.

This is the first digital art I made on phone


And this is the first digital art I made with my graphic tablet


In my last year of highschool I went to private school and there were a biology teacher that made me love biology. My biology grades went up and I even finished a textbook for a first time. Umm.. Then highschool over and like I said before, my grades were bad and I had bad results on universty entrance exam.

I didnt wanted to be a doctor, and even if I wanted to be they wouldnt accept me with the grades this way. So I looked at the universty departments would suit me the best and I made a search. Then I saw Graphic Design. I thought it would suit me and I took exam of ability at art universitys. I couldnt even take points on two of them, I mean.. They didnt gave me any score. But I been 13th on one of them. After thinking some time I thought it doesnt suits me that well. I dont want to make logos or something like that in my future.

So I made more research and I noticed Cartoon and Animation. It seemed interesting. I mean, I was watching animation since I were little and I loved drawing fanarts or making character designs. Then I choosed it as a department. I couldnt take full scholarship because of my grades in highschool but I studied a lot in universty and because of I love it, studying doesnt felts any hard for me. I’m honor student right now. I think its my only succes in my unsuccessful school life. Well, I saw that if I want to be succesful on something for real, I can be succesful at anything.

I was succesfull at painting but I had hard time making people notice that. I shared my works on Deviantart and instagram, behance, pixiv... But people didnt notice my works. Then I saw twitch. Then I started streaming art in there. Then one day I noticed vtubers. They were anime characters making art. It really interested me and I thought why not be one of them? I liked watching animes since my childhood and becoming one, making a original anime character for myself... I made a lot of reasearch about them, I looked at their avatars. And learned Live2d from youtube just to make a avatar.

My first avatar was an butterfly. I was made that character in my character design class. My teacher didnt like the idea but I was proud of it. The characters story was based on the butterflys coming to the graveyards after the Bosnian War.


And this one is the vtuber I designed based on this character


After making the character, I looked to the actual design of the butterfly


And I noticed the mistake I made. So I changed the design and made this


Well... I liked the design but it didnt suit to my actual character. I thought if I were a actual anime character I wouldnt seem that way. I was more mature. And I was going to make streams so it was supposed to be more global something. So I tried different ideas and end up making a penguin character. I write a backstory for it. My character design teacher didnt like my penguin based character too... I dont know, maybe he just doesnt likes anime designs.

Rigging the character on live2d was really hard so I started with an easier model. This was supposed to be the penguin she was going to hold but then I decided to give life to it.


And this is the final version of my vtuber avatar. I finished rigging it in two months. Its still not fully complated.


Now I stream as a actual penguin in midnights and, I stream as a human in day time. Its divided this way because of my character is cursed to be human in daylight. And thats the story of beginning of my streamer life.

Now Im making english streams on Tuesdays and other days I stream in Turkish. I usually make art streams but sometimes I play games too.

Here is my Twitch if you come and say ‘’hi’’ I would be happy to talk with you.

After all, the reason I opened twitch is to be able to meet with new people and make art.

Also this is a illustration I made in stream almost a week ago.


I hope you havent get bored while reading my life story. It felt nice writing my honest feelings. Now Im trying to improve my 3D skills and trying to have place in animation sector. See you next time -)/

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