Screamers of War - Collage, Acrylic on Canvas

I used Gloss Super Heavy Gel Medium to glue cutout cardboard to the canvas, and glued old news paper from the 1940's over the entire canvas to give it an old brownish look, then I painted around the cutouts, using Fluid Acrylic Carbon Black.

I've never been in War, and hope I never experience it, but this is how I feel about War. Its dirty, its wrong, it destroys lives, and people die for petty reason.
I wish there was more to say, but I think the image speaks for itself.

This is my way of Protesting War.


I'm sorry for the quality of the image. My phone camera sucks.

Screamers of War - 55" x 76", Collage, Acrylic on Canvas

Proof of Work

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