Liceista 3

And finally, the 3th and last of my original characters from my liceista series. Though the main reason for me to make these characters was to practice the workflow and technique on how to color grayscales; I did have a lot of fun, I really mean it and because of that I hope that you also have liked it.

So what we got here? This blue shirt girl is how commonly looks some highscooler girls on my country (venezuela) or at least that is how I remember from my times in highscool hahaha. I decided to draw some accesories so the deseign doesn't looks too plane and I personally thing that this one is the worst one in my serie because of the lack of consistency but I still believe that its good enought on her own. what do you think? which one is your favorite? I really whould like to know.

Tools and Process

(If you want to see my whole explanation on the process of these illustrations, I recomend you to sneak a pick on Liceista 1 and Liceista 2 posts)


Since the process here its pretty much like with the other ones, theres not much to say really. However somehting I forgot to show with the other ones is how they looks before aplaying the gradient map on the colors. Here I show you why is important to think deeply about the colors you will use when working with grayscale. the grayscale itself is just for us to planify and get the lighting but not the colors, however I always recomend to go direct with the colors at once since that is the best way to learn and is also a lot of fun.

Well this was all for today! if you want to see more of my work you can follow me on Twitter (I just started to post my stuff there so it's still a bit empty) I wish you a good day/night and see you in a next post!

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