"Cute elve! who doesn't like them?"

Cute Warrior

It looks like my last post didn't get any attention hahaha but not wonder why. But no problem, this time I came with a full done illustration, a half armored cute elf girl with pink hair and drawn in a kind of an anime style.

I would've liked to show more of the process but I the kind of artist that does almost the whole piece in just a couple of layers 😅 however i will be more aware of saving the progress part by part so i can show it more clearly. actually I am working in some illustrations right now (concept character related ones) and I am dividing my process in what I concider the most important fases (You know, like thumbails then the sketch, then the block in, etc, etc); As you may see I am not a pro and I am neither close to be one but If I can teach or help you to learn a bit more about drawing I will be very happy.

Tools and notes

I made this illustration in photoshop CS6
I used principaly a hard round brush and a flat one with texture (and the airbrush for the lighthing and shadows)
And did some final touches by playing a bit with the levels and adjusting the contrast of the backgroung
I did have a lot of fun painting the armor, I learned than even armor vary on textures and you have to be very careful with not overdoing the highlighs and always having in mind the sourrandings of the character since those colors also can be reflectec on the armor
Captura de pantallav 75.png

I hope to have entretained you a little bit, if you want to see more of my work you can follow me on Twitter (I just started to post my stuff there so it's still a bit empty) I wish you a good day/night and see you in a next post!


Copyright © 2020 by Pravusdie All rights reserved

Cute Warrior

This is a cross post of @pravusdie/cute-warrior by @pravusdie.

Cute elve! who doesn't like them?

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