Yoongi Pencil Portrait

Hello! Welcome to my blog, you're so, so welcome here.

It's nice to be posting my second portrait on here. Today, I'll be posting a pencil portrait of Yoongi Min. I even took progress pics this time. I'm planning to draw all seven members of the boy group I like simply because I want to decorate my room with them afterwards, so bear with me for now. I only have 5 more men to post about. Anyway, here's the portrait!

I started off with a very rough sketch of the face.

I then drew his hair and shoulders.

+very light coat of grey as his skin's base.

+more shadows on his skin, I layer out the shadows.

+blend that out and add more shadows

+and more shadows, but this time, I also darkened his eyes.

+shaded in his hair and added more details.

Ok. I came to this point and didn't like it at all, something was off, and I couldn't tell what it was. After staring at it for about 20 minutes, I decided his eyes were too far apart, so I redrew one. I also realized his irises were off.

+I fixed those issues.

Looks much better, right? But I still didn't like it. His smile wasn't right, so

+I erased his whole mouth and redrew it again a bit higher.

+Also lifted his smile line. Shaded his chin more.

+And added more shadows, and some highlights.

Much, much better. By here, I liked the outcome. Time to add his name and my signature! :)

After I post this I'll put him on my wall, with my other drawings. He's going where I put the x.

I'll post more about the sets of eyes, nose and lips on my wall, as well as the blue water colour portrait soon!

(Spoiler: the blue painting is painted with flower juice.)

Hope you enjoyed seeing the progress of my new portrait!

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