My Little Illustration Book.


Hi everyone! πŸ˜„

Today I will present you an illustration book that I realized during my school years.
It is entirely done in watercolor.

The story I choose to tell takes place in 2050, when the planet earth has become unlivable, so that humans are forced to take refuge on Mars.

The story is told from the point of view of a little girl, symbolizing the innocence and naivety of a child who takes it as an exciting journey, yet suffers the full brunt of the mistakes of previous generations.

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The cover represent the little girl with the earth, and the 4th cover represent the same scene but with Mars. I wanted to create an interesting effect when we close the book, and also give a metaphoric sense to the covers.

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Now, let's check into the book!

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I wanted to play with the complementary colors of blue and red/orange.
So, the earth is dark and bluish, representing the chaos.


I also wanted to represent the orbital pollution, by imagining that in 30 years, there would be more and more satellite waste.


In contrast, Mars is red and bright, representing the hope and the warm welcome.

The little girl suddenly finds a strange object on the ground, and call the people.
After inspection, it appears to be an Egyptian stele...

I wanted to create a comic effect with a nod to conspiracy theories which says that Egyptians come from Mars.

But what is describes on the hieroglyphs is that their ancestors have plundered all the resources of Mars and have been forced to flee to another planet (the earth in this case)



By these discoveries, our heroes are forced to flee again and find another refuge.

I wanted, by this story, telling the tendency of human beings to repeat their mistakes and to fall victim to the time loop.
He destroy earth planet, and then, hope to cowardly flee to another planet, as if he did not repeat the same mistakes...


The most difficult thing in this exercise was to resume a story in only 9 images. It was difficult to make understand clearly the idea of the stele, with the symbolic hieroglyphs.

For example, I integrated symbols on the hieroglyphs such like fishs on the bottom that which are getting smaller and smaller until they become a fish skeleton, symbolizing the dwindling resources.

But I liked to play with watercolors and complementary colors. It was also funny to do the stars, I've made them with a toothbrush technique πŸ˜„

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Hope you will like it! 😊

Don't hesitate to tell me what do you think of it on the comment sections.

See you soon for others creations!

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