Comic Book Style Inked Drawing - 2 Characters from my Comic "Relics"

Hey everyone!

I’m excited about the unveiling of “Communities” here on Steemit, but I’m still trying to navigate through and figure it all out, as I’m sure most of us are. I think having specific communities for posts will definitely help things to not get so lost in the shuffle, and help us to discover users we may have otherwise never known about. Which is fantastic!

I figured there’s no better way to learn than to do, so I’m here to share a drawing with you all!


This is something I drew up a year or 2 ago now, and while I did share it on Steemit, I thought it’s definitely been long enough to warrant a re-post.

A couple of you may know me/my work, but I took a long hiatus from social media, including Steemit, so I’m sure there are more than a few who don’t. And so, here’s a little explanation: A number of years ago I started to work on a comic book/graphic novel. I didn’t have an actual storyline laid out, just the basic gist of what I was going for, and made a page at a time, going off of whatever creative whim struck my fancy that day. And while it was, in a way, cathartic, it was definitely NOT the way to go about making a cohesive story. I really did love the characters and the basic idea, and so, when I started getting back into drawing again, after having stepped away for quite some time, I decided that it was something I needed to retry. I am now using my original pages as a starting point to a storyboard, and I am also reworking/getting reacquainted with all the characters.

I’m still working on a few character studies, and will post once they’re finished, and will likely do a sort of recap post of all of them, since it has been some time since I shared the ones I’ve already done. (In fact, I should have a fresh new one ready to share by next week!)

But in the meantime, here’s a drawing I did up with a sort of old-school comic book inking. It’s a couple of the main characters from said comic book, which I had named "Relics". The characters are currently being renamed, but previously they were known as "Lelia", an Earth elemental, and "Gwyn", a Fire elemental. Be on the lookout for plenty more drawings of these ladies, as well as the other characters, as I re-work the comic.

Here's a look at the sketch:

The start of the outline:

And the finished product:

Drawn on 11"x17" "paper for pens", with HB pencil, and Micron pens. Oh, and a bit of Sharpie to fill in the cave.

I actually had a lot of fun with this... The cross hatching was sort of meditative in a way. I am looking forward to doing a lot more of these inked drawings.

Here's a couple of close-up/detail shots:



I hope you all like it!

Let me know what you think of artists re-posting older stuff!

Are you excited to see things you might've missed? Are you yourself looking to dust off a few pieces?

See you soon!

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