Mother Earth Painting

I just looked through my posts and - wow - it has been a long time since I posted any of my drawings or paintings. I mean, I haven't been super productive in this regard the past few months but I have been drawing pretty consistently. Do I want to show you all of it? Certainly not but some of it - yup, why not?

I think I'll be posting in reversed order or in chaotic timeline of creation - LOL. The one I am posting today is my latest one. And, in all fairness, it's not really finished because I intended for this to become a vector painting. I already started vectoring it in Affinity Designer but have a ways to go. It will be looking very differently to this one except for the shapes.


If you scroll back, way back on my blog you will see that I do/did quite a few watercolor paintings. As in - real watercolor and real paper. Well, for this one here I chose a watercolor brush to finish my drawing.

All of it was done digitally on my iPad Pro in Procreate. I have downloaded ClipStudioArt recently but for now I am still a total fan of Procreate. Anyhow - I sketched this image over the course of a few evenings - I never claimed to be a sketch or gesture drawing artist. According to Procreate the whole painting took 5871 brushstrokes and 5h 3m to completion - nerd!

Then I imported the sketch into Affinity Designer to start on the vector line art. Yet somehow the image called to me and I wanted to finish it in a very loose manner, with watercolor and the pencil showing through it. I really do like this kind of look though I know it is not for everyone (which is true for just about everything).



So, I started coloring in the hair first in a very warm, sunny yellow followed by pale skin, eyes and all the details. I did shadows - very roughly really and then it was time to decide on a background. Darn'! I always do this and leave the background till the end, which is not a really good idea, don't do it! So, I went through different colors and couldn't really settle for one. Well, I did but -

Which one do you fancy most?


I am also liking the banner like image and am thinking of making a gif with the different backgrounds or maybe the banner style (Warhol anyone?) picture, my very first, ever NFT. It wouldn't be a cheapo, I am not selling for breadcrumbs but NFT prices are all over the place. Do you think anyone would buy it? I think it's kind of cute but... then again, I am biased. Also, there is so much crap out there in the NFT world, sorry but not sorry to say. I'm sure some people think this piece is crap. Shows you - art is something very personal. I'll probably just be doing it.

BTW the name of the painting comes from my hubby. I showed him the sketch with the woman and baby and he said 'whoa, this is giving me Mother Earth vibes'. And there you go, it stuck, that shall be the title. Here is the timelapse recording of

Mother Earth (digital painting)

Till next time!

Have a great rest of your day!



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers, and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW

99.9% of photos taken with my Fuji X-T5 and iPhone


If you are on Nostr you may have seen some of my content over there as I have started posting a little on that protocol.
I strive to never copy/paste my text but my images will obviously be the same.

If you're curious about Nostr you can find me there under OceanBee as well.


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