Book Cover Art: The Queen Bee

Drumroll please... it is time for another book(let) release!

A long time ago I mentioned that my hubby is an indie author but I have not posted about it since. But this time I just have to because

I created the cover for his book

Yup, I'm the cover artist for this one. Granted, it is way less elaborate than all the other covers for his books. For those he commissioned professional artists because while he is not making his money back on this investment it is important to him to have his books looking their best.

This time the book that he is about to publish is a novella i.e. a short book of, in this case, ~100 pages and he wanted to keep the cover rather simple and clean looking. Time for me to get out my vector software Affinity Designer. To start off I did a very rough sketch in Procreate. Note to self - doing a more refined sketch will save you a lot of work later! It was so basic that - oops - I actually deleted it. Didn't even keep a layer to show it to you - oh well. Here's the finished one instead.

Queen Bee Cover.png

The book - what's it about? Well, it is his first of its kind for my hubby a

Retelling of a Grimms' Fairy Tale: The Queen Bee

Together with a few other indie fantasy authors they agreed to come up with an anthology of short stories for Halloween and decided for them to be retellings of any of the Grimms' fairy tales. Low and behold, all of the other authors dropped the ball and did not finish their short stories in time. Yet, hubby did and decided to publish it as a stand-alone. Who knows, maybe there'll be more retellings in the future. I think there should be because this is pretty awesome. Then again, I am biased.

Back to the book - what can I tell you without spoiling it? It's a retelling of a very short (about two pages long) fairy tale, there's princesses and a haunted castle and heroes, of course, but no and the story of it all - hahaha - it's a fun short read. Here's the blurb for you:

Queen bee blurb.jpg

The novella The Queen Bee is ready for pre-order now (link to Amazon US) and will go live on 9/24/2024 as an eBook but will also be available as a paperback or on Kindle Unlimited soon after.

Right now you can also get an extended free preview on his website. Due to Amazon's algorithms that preview will end though upon release - so check it out while you can.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Till next time!

Have a great rest of your day!



Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers, and gifs ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW

99.9% of photos taken with my Fuji X-T5 and iPhone

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