Auragraph I Did Today For Myself When It Was Announced That My Coworker Got Fired

ball-point pen, magic marker, on paper

Today I got the news that my coworker got the shaft.

It was a total shock. This guy was my right-hand-dude. I did this Auragraph to express myself while they droned on in the meeting. See my right hand has been bitten off by a shark - my boss - and I am crying tears of blood as well as blood coming out of my hand and the shark is eating my head - or it's mouth is behind my head -but the thing is it might as well have been me - because he got fired for making mistakes. I make a ton of mistakes also.

In the picture I am all twisted up.

I don't know whether I am coming or going. My left breast is my right breast or is it? It is exposed because I am vulnerable -

The boss had hired a consultant which is always a sign - someone's getting the shaft because he has to pay for the consultant - but my coworker seemed like he was going to get my job at one point because I was making so many mistakes. He said he was making "too many mistakes", but they always say "everyone makes mistakes" but the subtext is "if you make too many you are gone" How many is too many? I guess I will find out.

It's all happening underwater - and my stomach is churning. I had to close my 2nd chakra down to be able to sit there with a little smile on my face like everything was "fine".

The dark moon with 9 stars -

that is about how again, I had no idea it was coming and 9 is the last number in vortex math representing the Earth...0-9 - 0 is the fool - the dark, 1 is the Magician - Father, 2 is the High Priestess - Holy Spirit (those 2 should be switched), 3 - the Empress - Son, 4 - The Emporer - Stability, 5 - The Hierophant - the interpretator of the trinity, 6 - The Lovers - balance, 7 - The Chariot - movement, 8 - Strength - restraint, 9 - The Hermet - meditation - so therefore the whole cycle was passed through and we are at the end and it's on "my" right shoulder - means that I am carrying the weight of the world ... on my manifestation shoulder...

It's all going to fall on my shoulders now...

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