Brihadisvara Temple - NFT

From 985 to 1014 AD, Raja Raja Chola, a Chola ruler who ruled over ancient Tamil Nadu, sections of what is now Sri Lanka, and much of what was Malaya, erected the Brihadisvara Temple. While visiting Ceylon (Sri Lanka), he had a dream about the temple, and he had it erected in celebration of his rule, which was considered as triumphant and required a big temple to match the empire's grandeur. It took 12 years to build, reaching a height of 216 feet at its tallest point and made entirely of granite. It was dedicated to Shiva and completed in 1011 AD.

Brihadisvara Temple is one of the Chola-era temples that have been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Each of "The Great Living Chola Temples" is constructed in the traditional Tamil architectural style, with high walls, a fort-like entrance, a moat (which no longer exists), distinct chambers within, extensive hallways, and Shiva murals on the walls. The Brihadisvara Temple stands out among the group for its vastness and architectural mystery, despite its resemblance to the others.

Brihadisvara Temple - NFT


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