
We are the last of us.
We the many minority
Those with the voice but are voiceless
Our royal lordship, his r'excellency
You take turns to suppress us.
Of course you care about us,
little wonder you meet us hungry and you leave us hungrier.

This is the last of us.
We the ungrateful sect of your society
Always trying to reap where we didn't sow
We demand too much.
When we ask for
increased average wage, regularised PMS, uninterrupted electricity, housing, employment, security

not a thing out of place
If you the minor majority
decide what is right for the many minority
Because those who choose for us are not only faceless but non existent in our midst,
Our chances of holding our fates in our hands are usually dashed and denied whenever we strive to make good of ourselves.
Our system is designed such that, the haves , have more , while the have not , have nuts.
They, like the termites' king consume more than labourers.
Your r'excellencies, we know you are busy, busy gathering more produce off the backs of the have nots.
Honourable default rulers , we are responsible for our predicament.

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