A ‘Fireboy’ Vector Artwork I tried Out

Hi Guys, so I’ve been inactive since last year cos I needed time to clear my head from a lot of things that seemed to be moving too fast. During this period, I also had to prepare for Exams, so so glad I’m finally done with it and back to the Hive community! 😃❤️

I created this Art sometime last year but was unable to share during that time. I’d love to know what you guys think about it after reading this

So, I saw this Photo of an Artiste celebrity in my country - Nigeria, on his Instagram account. His stage name is ‘Fireboy’, he is loved by so many here, and you can say that’s why I decided to do a Fan Art for him.
Of all the Photos I saw, there was only one that really struck me, I just had to jump on trying out a vector Art of it. Working on the Art wasn’t only exciting for me, it also helped me improve my coloring especially, as an Artist who is always trying to get better. Check out the finished work then I give you a breakdown of the process


The Original Photo is directly below 👇🏽😊!


I started the line Art and I had to use a smaller pointed brush to increase my chance of creating one that closely looks like him. Using smaller pointed brushes actually takes more time to finish a work, because I have to delve into smaller details but at the end, it increases your accuracy of getting a picture.
Line Art is below😃


Now, to the more tasking part- you guessed right, the coloring. I had to examine as close as possible, his skin tone, hair colour and mainly, his wear.

While on this work, I had to learn how to colour things to easily communicate the nature of the material - I had to put extra effort to try to colour something close to the type of clothe material he is putting on. I had to give it extra details to make it stand out.
For the lighting, I tried to create a skin tone contrast to create a sharp and eye catching artwork. I got so exhausted because I was sitting for long hours and had to take several breaks between.

Check out my finished work! 🤩

I’m so happy with the outcome 😃❤️. What do you think about the result? 😊

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