[Timelapse] Distracted | Drawing with the Note 10+

Last week, I started exploring genre-based digital drawing. I don't know, conceptual, too, maybe? But I only draw those that interest me, and time and time again I say that I'm only ever interested in fantasy, cyberpunk, and steampunk. There's something in those three genres that just seriously attracts me.

Last week, I tried a simple attempt to cyberpunk. (You can view the drawing and read about it in this post.) I believe that to improve, it's best to start simple. Then a few days ago, I came across this article entitled Different punk: A to Z of punk genres.

And suddenly, I want to dot all Is and cross all Ts when it comes to this genre. There are a lot to explore and imagine, and if motivation permits, work on. This can literally be on my bucket list. And there's nothing wrong in trying (except I usually lose momentum towards the end of a personal project).

Note: I had half the mind to draw the sketch on my Note 10+ and then do the coloring on photoshop using pen tool, but I can already imagine how tedious that was going to be so I regressed.


The drawing was inspired by a bunch of ideas put together. I made a Pinterest board to cite all these sources of inspiration and references. I was supposed to make the drawing more "steampunky," but I actually have another WIP that I think follows through what steampunk looks like.

You can imagine that I had struggled a lot and miserably failed doing the background. One of these days, I might do a study (that I wouldn't be posting here) just to improve my backgrounds. But of course, I have a full-time job outside Hive that I have to prioritize, so it has to take a backseat for now.

Drawing this had been a difficult challenge (aren't all artworks?) and I wonder until when this adrenaline for drawing will last. xD I'm slowly getting back into the mood for my actual work that I find less time to draw.

I ended up getting really distracted from work, hence the title. Hahaha.This drawing took me nearly 6 hours today. ...instead of settling all backlogs I have at work. Nice.


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity); smudge; blur


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