The Day I made a Robot Chicken, or some such.

Of course I love to make android ladies,


but animals get a bit of the goods now and again of course.


And this lovely lady was modeled after one of my own favourite hens.


She was a a bantam blue cochin

now of course "Blue" in the chicken world is more a slate colour, but you can see, when I upped the saturation, that real cool blue undertones. So of course, I painted her in Blue, though more Reality Blue, despite the painting being very far FROM reality.

She was a fierce mother

and would hatch anything I put under her. I even tried my quail's eggs, but she was just a tad TOO big for that, though she was a bantam and she tried her hardest.

She was the sweetest to me

and happily followed me about and always got choice seat on my lap when the dried meal worms came out. If I happened to save a worm dug up whilst planting, it went her her. I am sad I now longer have her, but she actually got eat by a fox ; blasted thing.

Now, I've some tiny tiny little Old English Bantam hens growing up in my chicken pen. IF they go broody they shall be my Quail incubators, we shall see.

But now I recall my darling little hen


And the day I made her a robot.

At least we artists can save our loved ones in art as well as memory.

I hope all of you have a lovely day and that somehow it Might have a friendly chicken in it.

As always, like share subscribe and all those good things.



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