Exhibit day!..

Hello everybody! Las saturday was the opening of the exhibir I'm currently participating in. It's named "Grandes Ideas en Pequeños Formatos", in the city of Vaoencia, Venezuela. The title translates to "Big ideas on small format". The contwst consisted on presenting artwork from 30 x 30, to a maximum of 40 x 30 cm. This is a contest I was really eager to participate in, and it was an awesome opportunity to share my artwork and be surrounded by awesome people.

Even tho I didn't win anything, I was super happy and really enjoyed getting to be part of this experience. The painting I submitted was oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm, and the subject is my beautiful daughter. I got many compliments on it, and having my dear Luna as the source of inspiration always is a good idea.

Im very grateful for even being there, and having the support of my dear friends who truly believe in me and have been there ever since I started my journey. I am very motivated to keep presenting my work, which is something I haven't been doing in a couple of years.
Thank you very much for dropping by!

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