Base on skills, don't focus on weaknesses

I've never learned to draw, and it has always been my complex. For as long as I can remember, I have been sketching something everywhere, but I've never had enough determination, or rather self-confidence, to develop my skills. Also, nobody around me motivated me to do that. Unfortunately, at that stage of my life, I gave up my dreams for fear of failure. Only after studying (not related to art), I learned graphic programs by myself and started my career in which I am doing well, but that lack of just one skill still bothers me a little. More in the psychological than the professional sphere, you know.

A few years ago, I enrolled in a drawing school; I finally had the money and time for it. I was a quiet promising student, but I quit after half a year. Honestly? I was bored (I was surprised by that), and I had no motivation (surprised again). Probably because I was already fulfilling myself professionally. So, perhaps, the lack of some skills will stay with me forever :)

Today I am not afraid to try anymore. I mean, there is always some discomfort, but I deal with it. I have also grown out of the urge to be perfect and the best in everything, it was a terrible burden.

Hence the title of my post - I try above all to think about my strong suits and not judge myself too harshly. I don't judge others either if I don't have to.

That's why today, I will not deal with graphics from a book of several hundred years; it will be a drawing from my archive. I found a briefcase with my old drawings on the occasion of cleaning in the closet :)

So, I have some sketch here, from 2004. It's in poor condition a little.

What surprised me was the fact, that despite the passage of time this drawing is still mine, It still resonates with me emotionally, if you know what I mean.

Ok, let's get to work.

First of all, I removed the background and repaired the tousled dress :)

Then I made a few tones and contrast adjustments; I also added a delicate filter.
The edges were unnaturally smooth after removing the background, so I worked on them with a brush.

Background - a lot of experimenting with various tools (adjustments, brushes, filters) , I couldn't make a tutorial out of it, because everyone would fall asleep;)

Now the bottom of her dress looks a bit like tree roots.

Theoretically, the artwork was ready at this stage, but I wanted to add something, like usual.

Such a sign of passing time, this person is still me, of course, a little older, and a little different. But somewhere inside lives a part of this young girl from 2004. I know it's there. I have changed, but the core remains the same.

Thanks for your attention and see you soon!

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