Bondish, James Bondish - sand sculpture

Who was your favourite Bond? I'll tell you mine at the bottom of the post so keep reading to find out. It might surprise you! Also, I've been told that only 40% of my viewers are not subscribed so hit that subscribe button and ring that bell to be sure not to miss any of my content, but I am probably shadow banned at this point so don't bother.

Movies, More Movies

Here is another sculpture I made in Oss, The Netherlands in 2016. The previous one can be found here. The overall theme of the project was movies and as I had two days left after finishing my Psycho piece I was asked could I whip up a Bond sculpture.

If you know me by now you will know that there are two things not in my forte. One, is sandcastles and the other is portraiture. But another thing you may know about me is that I like a challenge.

For a two day job, I was happy enough with the result. Connery, Sean Connery is a handsome man and what I always find with handsome people is that they are more difficult to do a likeness of because they don't have any really distinct features like a big bent nose or a scar in the middle of their forehead as I do. Their beauty is usually from the boring symmetry of their features. It must be awful to be so pretty and boring.

Rain, Damn Rain

The weather on this project was less than ideal and we had heavy showers coming in that would turn the sculptures to flowing mud if we were not careful. In general, it is ok when you are carving the big forms but when it comes to detail it can be a pain in the Arse, Big Arse. Once I would get a detail carved I would spray it with Screen, Wind Screen and hope that it would have a chance to dry before the next rains hit.

For those who are wondering what windscreen is, it is a spray, we put on the sculptures after carving. All it is is very dilute PVA glue which is enough to hold the surface grains together and it protects the sculpture a bit from rain and wind.

In Oss, the last two days were more showers than not and so I covered the sculpture with a plastic sheet and then shuck my fist at the heavens as I took shelter. The covered sculpture reminded me of another handsome man actor stuck in Carbonite. Bonus upvote for those who get the reference.

The background for the sculpture was inspired by the Bond, James Bond gun barrel title sequence and of course, It needed to have a scantily clad Bond girl in the mix.

I was happy enough with it even though it wasn't the best Bond, James Bond sculpture ever made.

The barrel of the gun was not intentional carved limp, that naturally happened due to the rains softening the hard barrel, I fiddled with it several times but just couldn't get it to stiffen up. (The story of my life!). I left it as was because it added a little humour to the piece.

Moore, Rodger moore

If you are still with me now you know my favourite Bond. Moore stared in seven of the movie and I really liked his sense of humour and the way he delivered his one-liners. Connery was cool and all that but not as cucumber cool as Moore. And that's that.


Thanks for reading. I use PeakD to document my work as an ephemeral Sculptor of sand, snow and ice, amongst other things. This will hopefully give it a new life on the Hive Blockchain. Below you will find some of my recent posts.

Psycho - sand sculpture

Floating a Finned Whale - sand sculpture

South America at the Sand Museum Tottori - sand sculpture

I hope you'll join me again soon

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I am also starting to create NFTs of my sculptures and welcome you to my gallery where you can own a bit of ephemeral sculpture history.

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