Las Personas Sombras...(Es/ En)


Los hermanos Leo y José, estaban impacientes en casa esperando a su padre Luis, que estaba por llegar de su trabajo, lo esperaban ya disfrazados; Leo con 11 años iba disfrazado de Goku y José de 5 años del Hombre Araña. Estaban muy emocionados, pues era la primera fiesta que iban a celebrar ellos 3, como la familia pequeña que eran; pues habían tenido muchos cambios repentinos a raíz de la muerte de su madre, hace un año; se habían mudado de su país de origen, Colombia; tan pronto murió su madre hacia Texas- Estados Unidos, buscando el sueño americano y un nuevo comienzo.

Así que ese día de Halloween era su primera fiesta, en aquel nuevo país, aun extraño para ellos en muchas de sus costumbres y estaban tratando de adecuarse a ellas y que mejor que celebrar Halloween y salir a pedir dulce o truco, junto a los demás niños de su vecindario y sus padres; así también conocerían a sus vecinos mejor, era la oportunidad de socializar. Luis venía apurado, sudado, pero dispuesto a darse una ducha y salir con sus hijos a su recorrido a pedir dulces, se los debía, ya que estaba consciente que no todo podía ser trabajo, también tenían que relajarse como familia. Al llegar se bañó, vistió y se dispuso a salir junto a los niños con ambos en cada mano.

Salieron al atardecer ya despuntando una hermosa noche, los colores del cielo inundaban todo el lugar; se podía oír y sentir la algarabía de los niños, también se podía ver a los padres pendientes de las travesuras de los chicos. Luis se estaba relajando y todo iba bien, sus hijos sonreían como no lo hacían hace mucho tiempo, estaban felices, mientras iba cayendo la noche. Cuando de repente Luis fue notando que el ambiente fue cambiando bruscamente, aún se sentía la algarabía y gritos de los niños, todo se veía aparentemente normal, pero para Luis, algo había cambiado, un extraño escalofrío le recorrió el cuerpo y pudo sentir como la piel se le erizaba, sobre todo en la nuca, recordó junto a esas sensaciones, el día que algo así le paso y fue cuando murió su esposa...

Trató de llevarse a la calma, pensando que seguramente eran solo malos recuerdos, pero todo persistía; cuando en un instante empezó a ver las escenas como si el mismo se sintiera en otra dimensión, que no era la que él estaba viviendo, era como si hubiera dos dimensiones desconocidas que se unieran en ese mismo momento, Luis se sentía como un espectador, a la espera de algo desconocido, estando en eso y tratando de ubicarse, vio un grupo de personas vestidas de negro, que le miraban justo enfrente; de inmediato les reconoció, él les había visto justo ese día cuando iba con su esposa y sus niños; cuando ella sufrió aquel desmayo del cual no despertó. De inmediato se puso alerta y pensó que les habían seguido, su instinto le hizo tratar de resguardar a sus hijos de aquellos extraños seres.

Y disimuladamente les dijo a sus hijos, que ya se fueran a casa, estaban cerca y que él iría luego; esta vez él les enfrentaría, ya "ellos" no le eran desconocidos, tenía que proteger a sus niños, pues estaba seguro de que algo tenían que ver con la muerte de su esposa. Leo le pregunto para donde iba y solo le dijo que tenía que hacer algo, pero lo que no contaba Luis era que Leo también podía ver a aquellas e personas, que él también las vio aquel día; intentó detener a su padre, pero ya Luis no oía, iba directo hacia esos seres. El pequeño José no entendía la situación, ni porque su hermano lloraba llamando a su padre y porque su padre se iba sin hacerle caso, entonces solo pudo asustarse y agarrarse de su hermano.

Mientras, Luis ya estaba cerca de estas personas y les empezó a gritar, que los dejaran en paz, que no iba a dejar que tocaran a sus hijos y ya enfrente de estos intento tirarle unos golpes y estos ni se movieron, solo unas sombras negras que estaban tras de ellos salieron y atacaron a Luis, arrastrando y tumbando a Luis. Para las demás personas que estaba viendo aquel espectáculo, Luis solo era un hombre que se había tomado unos tragos de más y que obviamente estaba borracho, de resto no tendría explicación aquellos gritos y golpes al viento que lanzaba a algo invisible…, solo Luis y Leo veían aquel ataque, porque no se podía decir lucha, porque Luis no atinaba a defenderse. En eso el gato de la casa salió y se enganchó junto a sus dueños y salió disparado hacia donde estaba Luis, que ya yacía en el piso casi sin sentido.

El gato se paró encima de él a la defensiva y en actitud de pelea, se podía ver como el fiel animal lanzaba zarpazos al aire supuestamente; entretanto, Leo pudo ver como aquellas sombras eran "rasguñadas" por las garras de su mascota y se desaparecían en el acto, junto a aquellas horribles personas. Los dos niños corrieron a auxiliar a su padre y le ayudaron a levantarse, yendo los 3 a casa, ante la curiosidad de sus vecinos. Ese día, luego de recobrarse, Luis le tuvo que confesar a Leo el secreto de su madre, ella era una bruja blanca, que ayudaba a las personas que eran atacadas por estos entes malignos y que el día de su muerte la habían logrado cercar, estaba vulnerable con su familia y pudieron matarla; pero en vista de que Leo había heredado sus "dones" el secreto familiar tenía que ser revelado, ya era hora.

Desde ese día la mascota familiar, se convirtió en el amuleto de sus hijos, siempre estaban adoptando lindos gatos; las personas los veían como una familia amante de los gatos, ellos los veían como sus fieles guerreros y amigos.

Esta es mi participación en esta bella comunidad, en la 3ra iniciativa de la casita hive 🎃 LLEGO HALLOWEN 🕷️ y como es mi mes preferido en cuanto este tipo de iniciativas, terroríficas, ja, ja, ja, invito a mis amigos @popurri, @annafenix e @ismaelgranados, ¡Saludos!


The brothers Leo and Jose, were impatiently at home waiting for their father Luis, who was about to arrive from work, they were already waiting for him in costume; Leo was 11 years old and he was dressed as Goku and Jose was 5 years old as Spiderman. They were very excited, because it was the first party that the three of them were going to celebrate, as the little family they were; because they had had many sudden changes due to the death of their mother, a year ago; they had moved from their country of origin, Colombia; as soon as their mother died to Texas- United States, looking for the American dream and a new beginning.

So that Halloween was their first holiday, in that new country, still strange to them in many of its customs and they were trying to adapt to them and what better than to celebrate Halloween and go out trick or treating, along with the other children in their neighborhood and their parents; so they would also know their neighbors better, it was the opportunity to socialize. Luis came in a hurry, sweaty, but ready to take a shower and go out trick-or-treating with his children, he owed it to them, as he was aware that not everything could be work, they also had to relax as a family. Upon arrival he showered, dressed and set out with the children with both of them in each hand.

They went out at dusk, a beautiful night was already breaking, the colors of the sky flooded the whole place; you could hear and feel the excitement of the children, you could also see the parents watching the children's antics. Luis was relaxing and everything was going well, his children were smiling as they had not done for a long time, they were happy, while the night was falling. When suddenly Luis noticed that the atmosphere was changing abruptly, he could still feel the noise and screams of the children, everything looked apparently normal, but for Luis, something had changed, a strange shiver ran through his body and he could feel how his skin was bristling, especially in the back of his neck, he remembered together with these sensations, the day that something like this happened to him and it was when his wife died...

He tried to calm down, thinking that surely they were only bad memories, but everything persisted; when in an instant he began to see the scenes as if he himself felt in another dimension, which was not the one he was living, it was as if there were two unknown dimensions that joined at that very moment, Luis felt like a spectator, waiting for something unknown, being in that and trying to locate himself, he saw a group of people dressed in black, who were looking at him right in front of him; He immediately recognized them, he had seen them just that day when he was with his wife and children; when she suffered that fainting spell from which she did not wake up. He immediately became alert and thought that they had been followed, his instinct made him try to protect his children from those strange beings.

He told his children to go home, they were close and that he would go later; this time he would confront them, "they" were not unknown to him, he had to protect his children, because he was sure that they had something to do with the death of his wife. Leo asked him where he was going and he only told him that he had to do something, but what Luis did not know was that Leo could also see those people, that he also saw them that day; he tried to stop his father, but Luis could not hear, he went straight to those beings. Little Jose did not understand the situation, nor why his brother cried calling his father and why his father was leaving without listening to him, so he could only get scared and grab his brother.

Meanwhile, Luis was already close to these people and began to yell at them, to leave them alone, that he was not going to let them touch his children and already in front of them he tried to throw some blows and they did not even move, only some black shadows that were behind them came out and attacked Luis, dragging and knocking him down. For the other people who were watching that show, Luis was just a man who had had a few too many drinks and was obviously drunk, otherwise there would be no explanation for those screams and blows to the wind that he threw at something invisible..., only Luis and Leo saw that attack, because it could not be said fight, because Luis could not manage to defend himself. At that moment, the house cat came out and hitched itself to its owners and shot towards Luis, who was already lying on the floor almost senseless.

The cat stood on top of him defensively and in a fighting attitude, you could see how the faithful animal was supposedly throwing claws in the air; meanwhile, Leo could see how those shadows were "scratched" by the claws of his pet and disappeared on the spot, along with those horrible people. The two children ran to their father's aid and helped him up, and the three of them went home, to the curiosity of their neighbors. That day, after recovering, Luis had to confess to Leo the secret of his mother, she was a white witch, who helped people who were attacked by these evil entities and that the day of her death they had managed to surround her, she was vulnerable with her family and they could kill her; but since Leo had inherited her "gifts" the family secret had to be revealed, it was time.

From that day on the family pet, became their children's amulet, they were always adopting cute cats; people saw them as a cat loving family, they saw them as their faithful warriors and friends.

This is my participation in this beautiful community, in the .3rd hive house initiative 🎃 HALLOWEN HAS ARRIVED 🕷️ and as it is my favorite month in terms of this kind of initiatives, terrifying, ha, ha, ha, ha, I invite my friends @popurri, @annafenix and @ismaelgranados, Greetings!

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