Friendly Skunk: Should You Be Afraid?

I missed the contest of WILDLIFE OF THE WORLD and wanted to show the little skunk that frequents the backyard.

The skunk is searching the yard for grubs. He has acute hearing and can hear them in the grass roots.

If I mention there is a cute little skunk around, people look at me in horror. They think the skunk will automatically spray me but that it not true.

The skunks ability to spray is his protection. He gets a bad rap and would only spray if frightened.

Skunks can spray a foul smelling liquid from their anal glands. They will stamp their feet to warn predators.

If the predator doesn’t back off then the tail will come up and a blast of urine will be expelled aimed straight at the intruder. The spray will come over it’s back as he faces whatever has frightened him.

Although the spray gives an unpleasant odour, it will only leave temporary effect if it hits the eyes…just enough to blind so the skunk has a chance to escape.

He stops.. looks like he hears a juicy white grub under the soil.

Dogs will chase the skunk and get sprayed.

Various products are used, such as, tomato juice, a combination of baking soda, hyrdrogen peroxide with dish soap and white vinegar, to help eliminate the powerful smell. Of course there are also commercial products to help remove the smell from the dogs coat.

Mr. Skunk hears a grub and digs down to retrieve it.

Seeing telltale little holes in the yard let’s me know a skunk or raccoon has been around searching for their favorite meal of grubs.

Should you be afraid? At least cautious, especially if you have a dog that will chase after the skunk. It is a bit of work to rid the skunk spray from yourself or from your dog.

I have not had a problem with being sprayed by the skunk. I try not to come upon him quickly and always speak softly if coming outside and see a skunk patrolling the yard.

The skunks I’ve seen here on PEI are about the size of a full grown cat with a fluffy bushy tail and two stripes down their black coat.

Photos & Text by @redheadpei
Location of skunk: Prince Edward Island. Canada

Check Herefor more information on Skunks.

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