Snowy Kyiv today

I am late again for WednesdayWalk and I'm so sorry. It's not always easy to plan the day and stick to it. Besides, it was bitterly cold yesterday in Kyiv, and I stayed at home. Do you know what's the best motivator for mastering time management in Ukraine? Power outage šŸ˜‚ I powered my laptop and mobile phone, and I have a little time to write a post.

I rarely leave the house. But today I went to the center to pick up medicine from the pharmacy. That's a lot of medicine, so a small price difference adds up to big savings. Don't worry, I'm healthy. These medicines will go to a small town in the Zaporizhzhia region. This city is located in the so-called red zone. It is less than 10 km to where the fighting is going on. They have a big supply problem and need medicine, flashlights, and power banks. The budget is limited, so I want to buy the most for this money, and ship as soon as possible.

So, today I was nearby this street art. It is said that it was made by the mysterious Banksy, an England-based street artist. A car was parked close to it so I could take a photo of it only from a close distance. Not the best angle. Maybe I'll have another chance.



The weather is warm, as for the winter. I could spend some time without gloves. šŸ˜‰ It was not too late, about 4pm, still enough light for my cheap lens. And I took a few shots to show you my city. It's beautiful in any season, and any time.






If you follow me, you probably remember this improvised memorial? I first saw it in summer. I mentioned it in my first WednesdayWalk post this year. So, it is still there. One flag is one dead. There are more of them...





A light in the window. What is it for you? For me now it says "this is time when they have electricity".šŸ˜œ About a month ago, I wrote about my luck, and that periodic power outages does not apply to my building. But this is no longer the case, so now, like the rest of Ukrainians, I plan my life depending on the outages schedule. It's not that difficult.


When I walk down the street in my neighborhood during the day, where the electricity is currently off according to the schedule, it becomes immediately clear. The first floors are usually occupied by small shops. Now most of them have purchased generators. And when there is no light, the roar of these generators is sometimes louder than the sound of a passing van, truck or motorcycle.


But also, I just like this architectural style. Also, it's not at all what I grew up with. This house was built in the Italian Neo-Renaissance style in 1907-1909. Then a city pawn shop was placed in it.



That's it. I apologize for this is so short today. Just wanted to share my winter with you. Hope to get back to you with a longer post over the weekend.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support of Ukraine and Ukrainians! May the warmth never go out in your homes and in your hearts


Hugs, and see you soon!

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