Chickens, Dogs, Wonderful Views and a Lot More in my Once-in-a-While Walk

It's Wednesday, hooray!

How are you all doing my friends? I hope you are fine and in the best of health.

Today I'll be sharing our walk to my mother's farm. It was on a Sunday and she was not feeling very well. She had a cough and cold and even requested me to massage her the right before.

She decided not to go to church so she could take a rest the whole day on her farm ad asked my nephew to take her along with my kids so she could have someone to run her errands.

We gave her time to rest, she went there at 7 am and we went past ten in the morning. We thought she have had an hour or so of rest at that time of day.

Blue skies and Fluffy clouds greeted us on the way there. But we went to Nanay's house first before we proceeded to fetch my husband's sister, nephew, and niece to help us with.

The sun is already hot when we started on our way and our shadows are almost underneath us.

That's them in two motorcycles; Rizza is bringing with her plastic ware for the goods that are on the farm.

I could not concentrate on getting pictures along the way because I have Czak to hold. He is amazed at everything that he sees around that he decided to stand up while on the moving motorcycles

When we arrived, the dogs were the most excited and greeted us with some sniffs thinking we brought them food. The good thing is that they are friendly.

The fluffy clouds gathered even more in the sky and I am getting a haunch that it might rain later in the afternoon that day.

Laling greeted me by asking if she could borrow my phone and watch kid's videos with it along with her sister and cousin.

My mother and sister-in-law talking. Then I asked my mother if she have had a sleep, she laughed and said no because chickens are so noisy and it was still very bright even if she closes her eyes.

there are lots of chilies here and my sister asked to have them because she feels like the food will be more flavorful when she eats with them. She even suggested that we sell them in the market because the price is quite high.

As I took pictures around, I caught Rizza and Gina helping each other to be able to take a picture of the puppy.

The hammock is the best that the kids have here. Czak even enjoyed it and he knows how to swing without anyone's help.

My daughter's cousin hugging the dogs, I wonder if how much she loved them.

there's a jackfruit tree before the house and it has got lots of fruits in it but some were damaged by the fruit flies and cannot be eaten.

Here is my husband giving us jackfruit meat by slicing the fruit with machete

Mother has got of mother chickens too! she puts them in a cubicle so that the chicks are safe from rain, cold, and rats. Doing this makes the survival rate of the chicks increase. But she has to come here every day to feed them. Way back when my father was still alive, we used to sleep here; back when I had my first pregnancy, I stayed here because there is less pollution and lots of fruits around.

When Czak had his turn to hold the puppy, he did not let it go. He keeps saying it's cute and hugging and kissing it.

The puppy has got a pretty ye like her mother and the kids give him lots of names that I forgot all of it. e's got a good fur pigmentation too.

But the best part of him is that he was born with a very short tail.

Too bad we still cannot bring him home, he is too young to be separated from his mother yet.

My husband called me earlier and he said my mother allowed him to plant on a portion of the land that she has. I am so happy! this means we will have more reasons to go to the farm often. My husband plans to plant it with cassava; I hope God will bless us lots from it so that my mother can have her sitting pretty when we are managing the farm, she then will be the head supervisor or maybe the adviser.

This will be all for today, the view and the goodness made me smile. I hope I made you all smile too!

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