Magical autumn forest walk

Good day dear mates!

This walk was not at all planned by me. However, on Sunday I had a dialogue with @foxkoit under his post about golden treasure during which we discussed some of the characteristics of mushrooms. And at the end of the dialogue he wrote

all time try go more walk in forest :).

And I decided to follow his advice, and for that I am very grateful to him!

This autumn turned out warm and dry in my region and as a result a lot of mushrooms in nearest forest. And I decided to go for mushroom hunting. Especially considering the fact that I have known this forest for a long time, because I went here to pick mushrooms with my grandmother.

I woke up early and after good breakfast I dressed up and went to the forest.



When I was entering I met several people who already picked up a lot mushrooms. But as soon as I began to move deeper into the forest, I realized that all was not lost and then the magic began!


At the beginning I could found just fly agarics and lonely boletus mushrooms with fly mushrooms.






Walking further through the forest and picking mushrooms, I could calmly admire nature and enjoy the sunny weather. Being alone with nature, I could immerse myself in my thoughts and reminisce. Meanwhile, I began to come across honey mushrooms growing on stumps and trees.


Some of them were very small and just appeared on the surface of the trees.




Looking at them, I remembered how in my childhood I picked mushrooms in this forest with my grandmother. We walked through this forest for hours and collected a lot of mushrooms and berries. and meanwhile, honey mushrooms began to appear more and more. Some even hid inside old trees.




So, going deep into the forest, I did not notice how I reached a ravine at the bottom of which a barely noticeable stream flowed. But when I was here before, it was full of water and once I even slipped and fell into it, fortunately, then with my grandmother I was able to quickly get out of it and only managed to get my feet wet.


Suddenly I came across a tree with mushrooms growing even higher than my head. I remembered how when I was in the forest with my grandmother, to get such mushrooms we tied a knife to a stick and cut them straight into a basket.


We also came across entire meadows of boletus, which we previously simply dried for the winter. So, walking through the forest, I literally plunged into memories and returned to childhood memories. Time literally went back. I didn’t even notice how I picked up a full basket of mushrooms. Coming out of the forest with the basket, I didn’t even notice how time flew by. However, I didn’t feel tired at all. It was as if my soul had rested and I was able to enjoy the autumn nature. I returned home in the afternoon, bringing home a huge catch of mushrooms.


After a good dinner, the whole family sorted through mushrooms until the evening, after which we left some of them to dry for the winter, and marinated the rest in glass jars like these.


That's how I spent this day, picking mushrooms and indulging in pleasant memories.
Stay tuned! Yours @travoved
P.s. This is my entry for this weeks #wednesdaywalk sponsored by @tattoodjay

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