A Wednesday Walk Déjà Vu

A Wednesday Walk Déjà Vu blog thumbnail.png


It's gross out AGAIN today, just like last Wednesday. I'd heard "partly sunny" for the forecast, and hoped to get some brighter looking pictures today, but apparently the "partly" was for about 5 minutes this morning, long before I had time to wander the yard with my camera.

And even though today's prompt from my Hive Blog Posting Month calendar is...

International Plant Appreciation Day

I thought a Wednesday Walk, appreciating the hopefully blooming plants outside, would work. Instead I have a handful of pictures from today that look at lot like last week... 🤦‍♀

I decided to include the ones from last week, after the newer ones, to show everyone (mostly me) that even though there doesn't seem to be much more Spring out there than their was before, there are still incredibly tiny signs that the better weather is on its way.

Before I get to the pictures always, a quick shout out to Wednesday Walk host, @tattoodjay - be sure to hop over and take a peek at his latest, Wednesday Walk at the end of the harbor Walk, which I'm gonna check out as soon as I hit "publish" on this!😂

As for these photos, as per my usual FYI - these were taken in the yard of my Durham, NH home with my Nikon, also using my tripod. All were resized, then cleaned up a bit with PicMonkey - mostly the exposure and sharpness, but with a few other tweaks like vignette filters for the corners here and there.

A Wednesday Walk Déjà Vu


1. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg1. Today's gloomy skies, but with greener grass.


1. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg1a. Last week's gloom


2. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg2. Last week, I said, "Just before winter set in, our landlady and her son filled in a bunch of sinkholes in the driveway and on the lawn (the joys of having large roots rotting underground for years after the tree stumps were removed). Strangely enough, some of the first of the new grass is growing fastest around the edge, making the lawn look a bit like a masked bandit!" It's not as clearly defined now, like it was...

2 A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg2a. ...last week.


4. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg3. Not exactly the same shot, but a peek at the sprouting Black-eyed Susans.


4. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg3a. How they looked last week.


5. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg4. Hard to really tell, but they do seem bigger and greener...


5. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg4a. ...than seven days ago.


7. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg5. Again, not exactly the same framing for this shot, but a peek at the tree growing through the granite stones...


7. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg5a. ... and the sprouts seem more plentiful than this shot from last week.


9. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg6. Blossoms today...


9. A Wicked Whiny Wednesday Walk.jpg6a. ...versus blossoms then.


10. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg7. I didn't take a version of this shot last week, but thought I'd include this to show that at least the grass is getting noticeably green again...


11. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg8. ... and I don't know if this counts towards "Plant Appreciation Day" but I know I appreciate that the sight of this dandelion (and the others sprinkled across the lawn) does make me feel that maybe my walk next Wednesday will have a bit more color in it.


12. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg9. Okay, literally two seconds before I was about to publish this, I noticed it got a bit brighter outside. I had to run and get a couple extra shots...

13. Wednesday Walk Deja Vu.jpg10. ...just to prove we do occasionally see blue sky here in New Hampshire. Here's to hoping I can have a more definitively Spring-like walk next week! 😂


Happy Wednesday Walking everyone!


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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva
GIFs either found on or created by using Giphy, Tenor and ezGIF.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

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